Chapter 17- The Snowflake Tree

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"Dad, can I talk to Charlie for a minute?" I said, looking into Charlie's room.

"Sure, Crys. Knock yourself out," Dad walked out of the room, smiling at me.

I sat on Charlie's bed as he stared at me. "Why do you act like I'm not your sister anymore? It's like I haven't been with you for the past fourteen years of your life."

"You're one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two years older than me. You're treasured by Principal Newman. You have a husband. You're the better one of us," Charlie explained.

"Don't say that," I shook my head. "I've had a longer life. It took me nine hundred years to get a husband. The only reason I was treasured was because I knew all of the stuff before I was one hundred."

"But still. You got Bernard, I've got no one," Charlie frowned.

"More like he got me," I snorted, rolling my eyes with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Charlie sat up slightly.

"Promise not to tell Dad?" I looked at the door.

Charlie nodded. "There's this really old tree in the Enchanted Forest called the Snowflake Tree. It's covered in snowflakes, which is how it got its name. Anyway, the tree is really ancient, so naturally, it's fragile. Well, one day, a certain boy and I ran into the forest and we saw the tree. Guess what he decided to do to show off?" I smiled at the memory.

"He tried to climb it?" Charlie guessed.

"He climbed up the trunk and sat on a what-seemed-sturdy limb. It wasn't. I caught him with my magic and he landed in the snow softly. I practically fell into the snow next to him and we both had a laugh. The branch was broken. We never told anyone," I shook my head at Bernard trying to show off. "The question for you is who is the girl?"

He stared at me. "How did you know?"

"You were obviously trying to show off," I said, referring to the graffiti.

I pulled up my sleeve and unclipped the bracelet from my wrist. I held it out to him and he smiled. He took it and admired the red and green. "Thanks, sis."

"Anytime, Charlie," I said, teasingly ruffing his hair.

"I'm not eight anymore, you grandma," Charlie swatted my hand away.

"Grandma?" I scoffed.

"Well, technically you can still be a Mom, but still," Charlie smiled, clipping the bracelet onto his wrist. "Are you going to have kids, Crystal?"

I thought about it for a moment. I looked at my ring. "I don't know, Charlie. It all really depends if Bernard and I are ready," I shrugged.

"You do," Charlie said with a smile.

"It all depends, Charls," I repeated. "Listen, I want you to talk to the girl, okay? I heard you talking to Dad, and you are lovesick. This is not you. I want my baby brother back."

"I'm not a baby, Mom," Charlie rolled his eyes.

"At your age, a baby elf would be like a fourteen day old. Consider yourself lucky," I explained.

There was a silence for a second. "I love you, sis."

"I love you too, Charlie," I said, getting up and giving him a hug. "I'm right down the hall if you need me, like old times."

"Okay," Charlie nodded. "Can you turn the light off, please?"

"Yeah, 'cause it's such a big reach for you?" I questioned teasingly.

"I hate you," Charlie rolled over, facing the opposite wall.

"I love you too," I countered, turning off his light and walking out of the room. I walked into my room and closed the door behind me. I laid back on my bed, staring at the ceiling while my feet were hanging off the bed. I sat up and got my crafting stuff out of my bag. Might as well make another one.

I finished and I looked at the clock. It was eleven at night. I sighed and changed into pajamas. I climbed into bed, but couldn't fall asleep. I closed my eyes in an attempt, but they snapped back open a few moments later.

I fell asleep hours later, enlightened by the thought of having Bernard by my side by the end of the year.

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