War Is Brewing

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       Izuku and Momo had woken up after the festival to see that Asriel and Eri are missing. After checking the dorm room for a few minutes they hear a scream from outside. Realizing it's Asriel they ran down the stairs to the front of the dorms. Opening the front door reveals most of class 1a, multiple cops, and a few Pro Heroes. They see Asriel and Eri being held back by police.

Izuku: May I ask why you are restraining my children officer.

Officer 1: Izuku Midoriya you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Eri, and Asriel.

Izuku: Who accused me officer, because if it is Class 1A they were already warned about messing with my family. I adopted Eri a few days ago and Asriel is my biological son.

       After a stare down, Mr. Aizawa arrived and saw what was happening. Mr. Aizawa glared at class 1A and said.

Aizawa: Officer release the kids. Izuku Midoriya is their legal guardian. I was there when Asriel was born. I was also taking care of Eri before Izuku adopted her.

       The officer released Eri and Asriel and both ran to Izuku and Momo. Izuku and Momo knelt down and hugged Eri and Asriel in a bone crushing hug. Both kids were crying saying how scared they were. Soon Nezu and a couple teachers arrived and saw Class 1A and cops on one side and Izuku and Momo comforting Eri and Asriel on the other. Nezu approached the Officers and asked for the situation. The officer explained how Izuku was accused of kidnapping was about to be arrested when Eraserhead showed up and cleared him. The teachers and principal Nezu looked at class 1A in disappointment. Izuku walked up to Nezu.

Izuku: Nezu, I will be leaving UA grounds for the remainder of my time here or until these scumbags learn to not mess with my family. One more mistake and I will declare the 5th Ninja War on class 1A.

Nezu: I understand Mr. Midoriya, will Momo, Troy, Kaminari, and Jirou join you?

Izuku: That is for them to decide.

Troy: I will fight by your side forever Izuku.

Momo: Of course I'm going with my boyfriend. I'm not staying with a class full of Villains.

Kaminari: Count me in.

Jirou: I'm going too 1A has lost my trust after trying to kidnap two kids.

Izuku: We will live in the woods just outside of the school. Class 1A will not be allowed near our home. If caught I will declare war and show no mercy to them. I will allow the civilians and other classes to leave before I wipe 1A from existence.

Nezu: Ok Mr. Midoriya. Will you give me a location once you find a suitable place to make camp?

Izuku: I will give you an area but not an exact location.

       Izuku and his friends turned and started to head out the gates. The teachers turned to class 1A with a disappointment. Aizawa glared at class 1A and turned to leave. Class 1A was sitting there shocked that Izuku wasn't in any trouble after threatening them. Iida walked up to Nezu to get some answers.

Iida: Nezu sir why is Midoriya not in any trouble or arrested?

Nezu: In the eyes of the law Mr. Midoriya has broken no laws and is within his rights to protect his family. As for your attempt to get him arrested, I'm disappointed that you are the next generation of heroes. You are about to start a fight you won't be able to win. Mr. Midoriya and Mrs. Yayorozu are pretty much gods. They don't have to use a quirk. The tailed beasts are not to be messed with.

Bakugou: They can't be that strong I bet All Might could beat the strongest of them.

Nezu: Izuku holds the strongest one of them. The ten tails is the strongest beast, she used to be a normal person with no powers like all humans but she ate fruit from a tree that gave her the ability to use chakra. She ruled over the planet, she ruled for years until her two sons sealed her in the moon. They separated her chakra into 9 different beasts. A group called the Akatsuki collected the beasts and unsealed her. The reincarnation of her two sons defeated her. I guess the shinigami sealed her into Mr. Midoriya when he was framed. You are just asking for him to declare a war to do something so idiotic like kidnapping his children.

Tooru: But sir he obviously kidnapped the boy.

Nezu: Izuku Midoriya is the biological father of Asriel Midoriya. I have the police report to confirm that.

With Izuku

       Izuku and his group walked into the woods until they came upon a clearing. Izuku walked forward and turned around to face his group.

Izuku: So do we want to live in one house or multiple small cabins for each couple and Troy.

Troy: Let's do a single house. That way we can stay close incase we are attacked by those assholes in class.

Momo: That's a good idea Troy.

Izuku: Alright a single house it is. Wood Style: Wood Creation Jutsu.

 Wood Style: Wood Creation Jutsu

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Kaminari: That is amazing.

Jirou: I still can't believe you can do that.

Izuku: Well let's go inside and settle in.

With 1A

Iida: I can't believe Momo, Kaminari, and Jirou went with that villain willingly.

Uraraka: I can't believe Izuku and Momo are able to beat All Might.

       Kirishima walks down the dorm stairs with a bag over his shoulder.

Bakugou: Where you going Shitty Hair?

Kirishima: I'm going to apologize to Midoriya. I never should have agreed to the idea of kidnapping Eri and the boy.

Ojirou: I'm going too. I live by a code: Those who break the rules are scum but those who betray their friends is worse than scum.

     Kirishima and Ojirou walked out the dorms and went into the woods by the gates. They walked for a while until a kunai flew past them.

Izuku: That's far enough you too. What do you want, to kidnap my children again?

Kirishima: No Midoriya, we came to apologize. We should have believed you were innocent. I'm sorry, I never should have agreed to the plan of kidnapping them. I should have warned you.

Ojirou: Me too Midoriya. I never should have allowed my anger to cloud my judgement. I should have followed my heart and known you wouldn't betray us. Even after saving us multiple times.

Izuku: It's ok guys I'm glad you came to your senses. Let's head to camp and get you settled in.


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