The Divine Sisters

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"Sarthak, I'm insanely scared. Tomorrow is the last day, and our daughters..."

"Will be five."  Sarthak said before Vidya could finish what she was going to say.

"I can under-."

"No you can't understand!" Vidya says cutting off Sarthak this time. "Those are three supernatural gems that Lord Shiva bestowed to protect humans in this era! The sage protected it till his last breath! One day that evil power took two of those gems, The Element Gem and The Rune Gem, but the last gem and the mightiest gem of them all..."

"The Temporal Gem." Sarthak says finishing her sentence. "One that holds that gem can forsee the future, and also change it, and Vidya, you have that gem!" Sarthak says in realization.

Vidya stops Sarthak. "If I had that gem, I wouldn't be scared! That gem was present in my stomach while I was pregnant with our two daughters, and when that gem hit my stomach, the powers from that gem distributed among both of them. The sage told me once our daughters are five, there powers with awaken! They are turning five tomorrow, what will we do then? We've hid them from evil for 5 years till now. Once there powers awaken tomorrow, what will unfold? Who will save them? Huh? Who will save them?! I don't want my daughters to be hunted by the evil. That.. That sorceress.. Who will save them from her?"

"Destiny! Sarthak says out of anger. Destiny cannot be changed Vidya. If they are destined to be safe then no one will harm them! Trust me." Sarthak then leads Vidya to the Temple. "Wait here" Sarthak says.

"A cuckoo chipping this late at night? Vidya says in confusion.  Can it be an ill omen?" Vidya says worried.

"Let us pray for now." Sarthak interrupts. Our daughters are most likely sleeping, the guard will not let them out. We will speak to them when we go back home tomorrow. We will stay with them the whole day." Sarthak says. Vidya then closes her eyes and prays to God with all her heart to keep her daughter's safe and sound from the evil that is wandering."

"Divya, Divya. My head hurts. Divya get up.."

"Then Di, go to sleep then your head won't hurt anymore."

Bells then start ringing in Dristhi's head while she closes her eyes trying to go back to sleep. Suddenly she sees a vision that dam number five is going to break any minute and and everyone will be in grave danger. Drishti then gets up in confusion wondering what she just saw she looks around and takes a look at the mirror.

"Divya! Divya! What is this. What is this?" Dristhi says trying to stay calm while she pats are Divya trying to wake her up.

"Di let me sleep." Divya said. Then Drishti looks over and sees that Divyas hands are glowing?!

"Divya what is this? Your hands!" Divya then sees Dristhi's head.

"Di, Di you have a eye on your head and its glowing how is this happening!?"

"Div.. Divi your hands..."

Divya then looks at her hands immediately. "Di what is happening, why is this happening?!"

"That dam will break and there will be a flood..." Dristhi says under her breath. "You will die and so will I... The villagers will die... no one will survive... no one!"

"Di have you gone insane? The dam will not break! It was just a bad dream! If I had panicked like this you should've consoled me. You are elder then me by one minute."

"Divi just come! Dam number five will break any second!"

Di, Di, if Dam number five is breaking the stars are are falling!" Divya said jokingly.

"Come with me Divi please!"

Di, mom is at night school, and dad is working in a late night shift. And he is the manager at the dam site.

"Please hurry up and come Divi."

Di, the door is locked. How will we go out? Tell me.

"Divi we need to get out of here."

How? You really expect me to get a magical staff and it'll help us get out a break the window? Yeah not happening.

Divya looks behind and she is holding a staff not with her hands but by levating it.

Di, look look behind you! Aha! Di, how did I do this?

"Divi hurry break the window the dam will break!"

They break the window and rush down to the dam.

Where is pillar number five? Pillar number five... pillar number five...

Then a man comes up to them, "Kids? What are you doing here this early in the morning? Oh! So your here to see your dad? He's on the other side.

"Sir please come with us." Dristhi said in tension.

"Where?" The man said.

"Pillar number five will break it will crack. All the water will come out."


"Sir don't listen to her she has gone mad. Let just leave." Divya said not bothering.

" Okay let's go."

"Sir, I'm telling the truth. I saw it please!"

"Yes you must've seen a bad dream come on its to late."

They were walking back home but before they could, they heard a crack, a crack of pillar number five breaking.

"Sir I told you dam will break! Now 6 and 7 will break too! We have to do something!"

"Hurry run home as fast as you can!" The man said.

The man then runs to make an announcement. "Everyone please evacuate, pillar number five is breaking hurry!"

"The whole entire village will flood, we have to do something!" Dristhi said.

"Di, have you seen the size of that dam? That dam is so big and we are so small. Thisnisnwork for adults bot kids, let's go home I'm scared let's look for mom and dad."

"Divi but we have to do something!"

"Di, you really think that I can put a huge tree in front of the dam to block the water?"

"Di! I lifted a tree! How can I do this? I'm not even using my hands! I'm making it levitate!"

"Keep doing it its helping!"

"Look I'm doing it!"

The villagers come out of there houses in shock seeing what is happening.

"These kids are gods blessings! They will save us all! God sent them here to help us!"

Divya finally put everything she needed to cover the dam.
Dirshti then sees that everything will be fine.

Hope you guys like this first part!


F.S 💕

Divya-Drishti जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें