"okay, well i have to go to bed." she tells him.

reggie grins at her and scoots over to the side of her bed, patting the now empty space next to him.  she rolled her eyes, but a smile grew on her face and she crawled on to her bed next to him, snuggling into his shoulder.

he let out a soft chuckle, wrapping his arms around her. reggie was so happy that he was able to touch her. he couldn't imagine not being able to, like luke and julie. as sad as what happened to make her this way was, he was just happy he was lucky enough to have her.

he held her in his arms until she drifted to sleep, at which point he gently moved out from under her and placed a blanket over her before poofing away.


the next night, styx's dads let her stay over at julies so that the band could rehearse. as the two girls were walking downstairs the next morning, they heard ray singing their song from the other night. then they heard reggie join in and turned to each with confused looks.

they rounded the corner into the kitchen to see ray making breakfast, and reggie standing next to him, smiling.

"this is new." julie comments as the girls walk up the the island.

"yeah, i was in the mood for cooking some breakfast." ray shrugged, and reggie laughed.

"ha! he thought you were talking to him. me and your dad are pals now." reggie giggles and styx ducks her head so ray doesn't see her fighting off a laugh. "it's a little one sided, but it works." he explains.

"look, after the talk we had the other night, i was thinking i may have cost your band an opportunity with that manager." he tells the girls. "so, i was thinking-"

"dad, no." julie cut him off. "i should have never snuck out."

"and i shouldn't have helped her." styx nods beside her. "still sorry about that, by the way." she adds in a mumble, making reggie laugh slightly.

"let the man speak!" reggie stops the girls. "he's been stress eating all week. i don't know where he puts it, though." he motions around the mans torso. "it's like, firm."

"i know," he sighs, looking at both girls. "but i really want to support your band so, i called in some favours and booked you guys a local gig!" he tells them and both girls gasp.

"best dad ever!" reggie announces excitedly.

"oh my gosh! where? did you call your buddy from drakes?" julie asks quickly.

"not quite." ray says hesitantly. "i called flynn, and she's going to help us throw a party. here. tonight." he explains and the girls nod slowly.

"oh! so you booked us a gig at our house?" julie asks, trying to sound excited.

"maybe i was a little early with the best dad ever award." reggie admits awkwardly.

"all right, hear me out." he starts. "you girls invite some of your friends over, you play with your band, and i'll get some of my colleagues to put you on film." he explains. "that way you have something professional for your, youtube." he finishes and julie and styx smile softly.

"you'd do that for us?" julie asks him.

"yeah!" he nods excitedly.

"back to best dad ever!" reggie says decidedly. "i'll go tell the guys." he says, his eyes lingering on styx for a moment. he quickly winked at her before stepping back. "have a good day at work ray!" he tells the man. "it's cool, you don't have to answer." he adds awkwardly before poofing away.

The River Styx - jatp/reggieWhere stories live. Discover now