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The girl walked throughout the halls with her head held high as she heard the whispers about what happened just the night before. Everyone their in the school knew just as how powerful she was after she not only protected the boy who lived, but helped defeat the dark lord. Not only that but the outfit that she had on for this was her last day at this school and wanted to leave with a good impression. She walked into the hospital wing not only did she run into Harry. "Oh, you are up. How are you feeling?" She asked while expecting his skin where scratches once were only to see nothing. "I am so glad you are okay." The girl pulled him into a hug while kissing his cheek. A bright blush appeared across his cheeks causing the professor behind them to chuckle. "Mr. Harry Potter and Miss. Merlin I believe I owe both of you thanks for you have stopped the rise of Voldemort once again. Now you best be off to see your friends after all it is the last day of school." Dumbledore told the two and both ran off to their friends immediately. While the two friends ran off hand in hand all Dumbledore could do was smile. Aria, she is one amazingly talented beautiful young witch and will to absolutely amazing things when she gets older. Sadly he won't be able to see her grow up until she was 14. He didn't have the heart to tell her at that moment because she looked so happy. "Miss. Merlin is one amazing student Albus. She is absolutely needed to be at the school that is fancy. What do you call it? Beauxbatons?" One of the paintings in the office said to the man. Dumbledore just left to the feast and to make things right with the house points. In the Great Hall everyone was chatting around with each other once silenced by Dumbledore. "This year was a great year for us has now come to an end. Slytherin has won the house cup with 472 points, but I afraid I still have some late points to add. Miss Hermonie Granger I award you 40 points for excellent use of knowledge. Mr. Ronald Weasely, I award you 40 points for the best game of chess ever seen. Thirdly to Mr. Harry Potter, I award you 50 points for being brave even in the toughest situations. Next to Miss. Merlin, for amazing spells and charms that not only you protected you with, but others too. I award you 50 points. Lastly I award Mr. Longbottom 10 points for being able to stand up to friends." The whole Gryffindor house cheered for their win. Aria looked into Dumbledore's mind since she knew something was up and saw what was gonna happen. A frown was on his face as he knew she just read his mind. The hats were flown up into the air everyone was cheering except for the Slytherins. The only thing that caused them to even smile was the girl that was dress in a red dress.

While everyone was boarding the train Aria was staying outside the train. "Goodbye, Harry, Hermonie, and Ron. Sadly I won't be here for the next couple of years." She hugged all of them with tears in her eyes. "Why?" Ron asked with tears. "Because I am wanted to play for the quidditch team for Ireland and  will per request on my Veela ancestors I will go to Beauxbatons for these next years. I will be back though and will mail. If you all need anything I will be there with a snap of my fingers." The whole group of students heard that their friend/crush would be going to a different school. Harry pulled her into a hug, "I will always mail you. After all you were the one that protected me." The young witch placed a lingering kiss on his cheek. "I will miss you guys the most." With that Hagrid walked up to her signaling she had to leave. "Goodbye, see you all in a little." Like she said with the thought of going to the school she was off.

The beautiful witch was greeted by a large women

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The beautiful witch was greeted by a large women. *Hello and welcome Beauxbatons. You must be Miss. Aria Merlin. I have heard of your beauty, but what they say downgrades how beautiful you truly are. Miss. Merlin you are the most beautiful witch to ever be in this world. Anyways let us go see everyone.* The women said in French. *Thank you Madame Maxime.  Can I be sorted now since it is not the beginning of the year and you only allow a couple of breaks?* The young witch asked the headmistress. *Yes only for special causes, but you since you are playing quidditch for Ireland you get more days off. Since you really don't need it. Now what we do for the sorting is you shot a silver arrow at a target and whatever sparks come off is the house you get. There is Bellefeuille, Ombrelune, and Papillonlisse.* The doors to the great hall opened to reveal to the students the most powerful Veela. Aria Merlin walked in with more confidence then ever letting her Veela side show. Eyes were on her from the beginning of the hall to the podium where she will shot an arrow. The arrow was a shining silver almost calling to her as she walked up. Aria placed the arrow in the bow and pulled the string back with a snap the arrow went flying straight in the middle. Not even as soon as it touched purple, blue, and green sparks exploded from it. This caused an instant uproar and Madame to walk up to Aria with a smile. *You are a legend no doubt. Not only were you sorted into all houses at Hogwarts, but here as well. Aria Merlin will be in all of the houses, but will live with the Bellefeuille students. Now Aries can you lead Aria to the house, please?* A handsome man came up to the beautiful witch. *Hi, my name is Aries if you can't tell. Anyways I am a third year and Quidditch chaser for the Bellefeuille team.* Aria smiled at the man making him instantly blush. A giggle made it's way past her soft lips as she saw how flustered he got. *Really? I to am a chaser and I am good enough to play for a national team which is Ireland.* Aries smiled at the young witch knowing that they will probably get along just great. Both of the attractive people looped arms and walked to the house. The boys watched in envy to be the one who is holding her close. Her Phoenix flew down down onto her shoulder making everyone gasp at how beautiful it was. It's pure white feathers were as soft a silk. Skye was her name and the bird snuggled into her shoulder. *You are pregnant, Skye.* She told the bird making it let out a quirl. *Fine I am pregnant. Fawkes is such a gentleman and is so attractive. We instantly hit it off and well things lead to another. It is not like it won't happen to you, Aria.* Aria blushed at the thought of have a child with someone. She just doesn't know who yet and well she can choose from anyone she wants. *That is quite the Phoenix, Aria. You can also talk to them which is amazing.* She smiled and snapped her fingers and a Niffler popped up into her arms with a ring. *I can talk to any animal I want. Also is this yours? Helga seems to be in the stealing mood.* *Yes it is mine. Helga is absolutely adorable, almost as cute as it's owner.* The witch blushed even more which caused both animals to laugh at her. Both were silenced with one glare while she just looked at Aries with a smile. This is gonna be one heck of a time here. Little did she know that she was not gonna be the only one with weird years to come.

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