Pranks & protection

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  (Authors note it will be third person unless I say so)
  The next day Aria woke up and took a shower. She put on a emerald cloak.

Then she went to go wake up Hermione

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Then she went to go wake up Hermione. "Come on 'Monie wake up. It is Halloween." She told the girl while shaking her. Hermione still wouldn't wake up so Aria did the next best thing. She concord water and splashed her.

Hermione shot up wide awake. "Honestly Aria! Did you really have to use your elemental powers to wake me up?" Aria smirked, "Yes, yes I did. Now get dressed we have breakfast in 30 minutes." She told the drenched girl. "Okay." 'Monie grumbled. Meanwhile Aria smirked proud of herself. "Should I wake up the boys the same way?"

"YES! Oh and maybe prank them?" Hermione said walking into the bathroom. Aria smiled and walked to the boys room. She slowly crept in and magically made buckets of paint ranging from all colors of the rainbow in them. All over the boys heads so when the woke up every single Gryffindor boy would have their hair dyed for the whole week.

(PS if I didn't explain it enough the simpler thing is that they will have dyed hair and the bucket is full of paint but it also dyes their hair.)

Aria then took off out of the room giggling as she made it back. "What did you do?" Hermione asked the girl while straightening her skirt. "Let's just say these Gryffindor boys are pretty brave for changing their hair colors." Aria said bursting out into laughter. "Honestly that is pretty funny. Let's go and wait for the boys downstairs." The bushy haired girl said. "Okay."

Aria was reading a book that had a whole bunch of magical creatures with Hermione. They heard screams. Aria smirked and slightly snickered at the thought of what they will come down in. Fred and George came down first. "What happened?" Fred screamed. "You two bloody idiots did this didn't you?" Ron said with bright pink hair.

"No I swear we didn't." George said while looking at his lime green hair. "Well then who did it?" Oliver said with white hair. "I don't know, but whoever did it is pretty annoying." Yellow haired Harry said. "OMG, what happened to y'all?" Aria said standing up from her spot. "I don't know." Fred said sadly touching his light blue hair.

"Which one of you idiots did this?" Percy said pointing to his light purple hair. "We don't know." Harry told him. "Well boys since you lot are real idiots we will go. Oh and maybe look at the Slytherin table." Aria said taking Hermione out of the common room. Once they were out they broke down laughing. "That was so good." "I know now let's go eat and see everyone's reaction."

At the great hall
Aria was in the middle of eating her piece of toast when they colorful boys walked in with red faces as everyone was laughing. *This is way better then I hoped.* Aria whispered to Hermione. She nodded in agreement. Once everyone's laughter died down they started to wonder who did since the Twins have colorful hair too.

Harry and Ron sat in front of the two girls. "Whoever did this has to be like in 4th year or higher." Ron told the group. All of the Professors were having a hard time figuring out who did this prank. "This might come as a surprise, but I think Miss Merlin did it." Albus said laughing. "Ah and it can't be done until next week or when the person who decides to give in. I don't believe she could do this." Minnie said shaking her head. "Can I please have whoever pranked these Gryffindors stand up?" Albus asked.

Everyone turned their heads to see who would stand up. All of the Gryffindor boys are planning to hex the person. Hermione and Ava both agreed that they will take credit for this prank. The duo slowly stood up. Everyone was surprised to say the least. "Ah, Miss Merlin and Miss Granger. I will award both of you 30 points for this marvelous prank."

They both smiled and sat down. "No way, how could you do this to us?" Fred said to Aria. "You aren't the only ones that can play pranks after all it is in my blood." She said remembering her father and mother would be called the pranking queen and king. "Can you at least get rid of it?" Percy asked the girl. "Fine, but I want sweets from Honeydukes." Aria is snapping her fingers.

All of the boys thanked her. Everyone couldn't help but think is their nothing she can't do. Fred and George were both thinking that this is a plus to their crush liking the same things they do.

Charms class
Hermione was sitting next to Ron and Ava was sitting next to a girl named Emma Dorman. They were learning the levitation spell and Ron was having a hard time. "Stop stop stop, you are going to take someone's eye out. It is Levi-o-sa not Leviosah." She told Ron is a duh way. "Go on you do it if you are so cleaver."

Hermione did the spell with ease along with Aria. Hermione smirked at Ron and he was mad. While the Professor was praising them Seamus  was trying to make the feather fly. *BOOM!!!* Everyone looked over to the boy and his burnt feather. "I think we are going to need a new feather over here." Harry said still stunned from what just happened.

After class
"It's Leviooosa not Leviosah. She a nightmare. Honestly, no wonder why she doesn't have any friends." Ron said to Harry and a couple other boys. Little did they know Hermione and Aria were behind them. 'Monie purposely ran into him and went crying. "I think she heard you." Harry said.

Aria ran up to them very angry. "You think! Honestly, Ronald she was just trying to help. She is a really bright and guess what she does have a friend and that is me. All of you won't talk to me unless you apologize to her, Ronald. You are worse then Malfoy sometimes. At least he is trying to be nice and was raised in a bad family. You on the other hand I know Molly has taught you to not judge. You arrogant toerag!"

Aria was one more bad thing that will happen she will explode. She suddenly felt a sharp pain on her butt. She turned her head around so fast you would have thought that she broke it. Aria saw Marcus Flint smirking. Cedric saw that and stormed over to her. "Oi, Flint!"

Aria turned around and saw Cedric Diggory captain of the Hufflepuff team. "Why did you do that?" He said standing in front of her. "Because she is hot and she probably liked it." Flint said smirking. Aria stood beside Cedric. "I would never enjoy something like that from you. Oh and also I will probably have a hand print on my butt now."

Cedric snarled at at Flint. He pulled Aria close to him at Marcus started to check her out. "Don't even touch her or look at her like that. Be lucky I didn't tell Dumbledore that you assaulted his granddaughter unless she wants to." Cedric told him.

Marcus left with a snarl before winking at her. Aria groaned and hid behind Cedric. "I don't ever want that to happen again." She told Cedric. He turned around and smiled at her. "I won't ever let that happen to you." She hugged him and gave him a kiss on cheek. "Thank you." Aria smiled and left.

Cedric was a little flush after she left. "What are you doing to me?" He chuckled to himself before leaving.

(I will be continuing this for the next couple of weeks. I just wanted to get this up to see how it would do. If you have any suggestions please comment and I will try to make it happen. Love y'all.)

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