Third task

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Sorry i will be skipping to the third task because nothing that happens between has to deal with Aria besides she revives Barty Crouch.

The morning she saw her Godmother, Nymphy or Tonks, all the gods and goddess. It was a day where families met of the champions where they will have breakfast. "Nymphy!" She ran into her godsister's arms crying lightly since she hasn't seen her in a while. Soon after she saw all the Weasley family smiling at her with Harry in their arms. "Molly, Uncle Padfoot, Uncle Moony, Charlie." Charlie tan up to his mate hugging her so tight like he would lose her. *Merlin have I missed you. I missed your smile, laugh, and just you.* The girl giggled into his neck pure happy was all anyone felt at the moment. However moments don't stay like that forever.

Cheers could be heard from the tunnel where all the champions were ready with their representatives. Madame held Aria's hand and placed a necklace in her hands that would signal if dark magic was near her. One by one they walked out with Aria receiving the loudest cheer and thanks to her they can see what is happening. A camera was attached to her chest so everyone can see what she sees. "Silence, Earlier today, someone has placed the triwizard cup deep within the maze. Now as Miss Aria is in first place she would've entered first but she is entering last in the maze. So Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter will go in first followed by Mr. Krum then goes Miss. Merlin. At the sound of the cannon they will enter."

One by one until it was Aria's turn they entered the maze in search for the cup. Many watched as Aria battled off all sorts of creatures that even wizards like Dumbledore would have a hard time getting rid of. This girl however did it was such ease that she didn't even need a wand. She found Krum has been bewitched to go after the champions. "You will not harm either of them." With that she dueled him taking him down easily before sending sparks for him to be recovered. "Someone has done something." With that she took off to the cup seeing Harry and Cedric dueling. "Stop it both of you." They spread apart at the sound of her voice and continued to search.

Each took off to the cup after seeing it all three of them touching it at the same time. The were transported to a grave yard that Aria has seen in Harry's dreams. Out walked Wormtail with a blanket in his arms that held Voldemort. "Stay behind me both of you." "Kill the spare." Voldemort said talking about Cedric who was not yet behind her. "No, Cedric." Just as he was about to be hit Aria tried to move in front of him. She saw the light and shielded his body with hers. The students walked in terror as they saw Cedric almost die. Dumbledore had people trying to locate them as they searched. The only ones that knew Aria couldn't be killed was herself and Dumbledore. Students cried as the beautiful goddess was hit with the curse. Her mates felt her pain leaving them to cry for the loss of her. However all the green light got absorbed into her body. The camera flew to where they got a perfect view of all that will be happening. Voldemort casted a spell that made her be locked in the hold where he originally wanted Harry. Aria quickly casted a spell to make it look like Cedric was dead while they were distracted on holding Harry with a tomb next to her. "Go on with it!" He dropped the body into the cauldron then levitated a bone from the grave. "Bone from the father unwillingly given." The bone dropped into the cauldron where Voldemort was just put in. "Flesh of the servant willingly sacrificed." Wormtail cut off his hand with a scream. Meanwhile Dumbledore watched as this happened in terror as he realized what was about to happen. Tears and cries for the friend that "died" and seeing Voldemort. The pest then turned to Harry with a smirk slowly walking to him. "Stay away from him!" Aria screamed as he cut a piece of his sleeve to expose Harry's flesh. "And the blood of the enemy forcibly taken." He dug into this flesh taking blood on the knife Harry screamed and Aria screamed for him. "Leave him alone you little pest!"

Said pest dripped the blood into the cauldron, "The dark lord shall rise again!" Harry screamed as he felt the man no not even man snake that tried to kill him 13 years ago. The cauldron light on fire with a creature coming out of is morphing into a man. No not a man a snake like face had replaced that of what used to be a handsome young boy. The students and adults watched in pure terror as they saw a man believed to be defeated come back. Aria wiggled around trying to get lose of the hold she was in. She told Dumbledore where she was magically and people were sent there immediately. However his followers were on their way to their dark lord.

THE GODDESS(Various Harry Potter x oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora