"I can't smell anything over your stupid Axe body spray."

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A/N: Hogwarts au! Featuring a bunch of DreamSMP members and a reference to an og Minecraft Youtuber- can you guess who he is? (1,936 words)

Students began filling lazily into the classroom that felt more like a cathedral, the potions professor missing from his desk, replaced with an orange tabby cat sitting calmly on top of the wooden desk.

By then, Dream had learned not to question strange occurrences like the one happening currently, and casually took a seat beside George, who had gotten there before him.

"Why the cat?" George asked aloud towards him, and Dream shrugged, glancing at the textbook his best friend was pulling out of his bag.

"I have no idea."

A shrill gasp towards the front of the room caught Dream's attention, and he shifted his gaze to watch Niki enter the class with Puffy in tow, and watched the two girls coo over the cat on the desk, who frankly looked startled at the attention.

The two classmates quickly settled and hurried to their seats as more and more people walked into the room, and by the time the classroom had settled, the potions professor was still nowhere to be seen.

"Uhm, anyone know where Philza went?" someone behind Dream asked, the Slytherin too comfortable with his head cradled in his hand to turn around to see who it was.

"I think he-" someone else started to reply, but they were interrupted by a commotion in the front of the classroom, which was the orange cat abruptly turning into a human, causing many to flinch, a few to yelp, and a student to fall out of his seat from fright, the student being George.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to frighten you!" the cat-turned-human apologized to George with concern while Dream struggled not to wheeze, slapping his palm against the table. George simply waved the man off with I small "I'm alright", and once he got back into his seat, the stranger turned his attention to the full class.

"Again, sorry for the fright to everyone," he quickly began, "But I'm your substitute for today! Professor Philza sadly couldn't be here today, since he had to take one of his younger boys to the infirmary earlier today-"

"Oh! He had to take Tommy!" came a young voice from the very back of the class, and Dream turned around to see Tubbo sitting in one of the seats, despite being too young to be a student. "It's because he got into a fight with a second-year for calling Wilbur a bad word!"

The substitute, a lanky man with curly brown hair, stood awkwardly for a number of seconds, trying to process the presence of Tubbo.

"Mr. Tubbo," he cautiously began, "is Philza aware you're in here?"

"Don't worry prof, I got him." Dream didn't need to turn around to identify the new voice as Techno's, who had been sitting to Tubbo's left.

"Ah! Wonderful-"

"Yoooo wait a minute!" someone from Dream's left suddenly yelled, the culprit being Schlatt, and the poor substitute sighed before answering.


"Aren't you married to one of the teachers?"

The man broke into a genuine smile. "I am, yes. I'm married to one of the O.W.Ls professors-"

"WAIT," Tubbo once again interrupted, "Is it the one that can transform into a duck?! Wilbur has their class, he calls them Mx. Ducky!" A few snickers and giggles erupted amongst the class, Dream hiding another wheeze and the sub stifling a laugh of his own.

Dreamnotfound but OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora