Dream Snaps Alt. Ending

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TW: Death, Blood
This gonna be short lmaoooooo


"Hey Tubbo!"

Dream yelled before quickly walking back to the two. Tommy and Tubbo looked at him in confusion.

D: "You want L'manberg to be an independant country right?"
TB: "Yeah!"
D: "Ok then..."

Dream took out 2 of his bows and just held them.

D: "Duel me."
TM: "What?"
D: "Remember the deal Tommy offered me in the first war? We do that again-"
TM: "Are you kidding me?!"
D: "I wasn't finished."
TM: "..."
D: "And it's a canon life match. Now you can speak."
TM: "TUBBO YOU CAN'T! You only have 1 life left come on!"

Tubbo went silent before looking at Tommy then Dream again. The founder was holding out a bow which Tubbo took.

TB: "I accept your offer."
TM: "Tubbo!"
D: "5 minutes. Same place."

Dream walked off before Tommy knocked Tubbo up side the head.

TM: "What the hell were you thinking?!"
TB: "It's good for L'manberg!"
TM: "But not good for you!"
N: "Tubbo!"
F: "Nikiiii!"
E: "What the heck is happening."
N: "Tubbo what the heck?! You might die!"
TB: "... I think I can do it. I belive in me and you guys have to too!"
TM: "Jesus Tubbo..."


Dream sighed while looking at his bow. He's pretty sure he has all 3 canon lives so he doesn't care if he wins or loses. Scratch that: We wants to win. He NEEDS to win. Dream simply smiled before walking to the place they had they're 1st duel. That brought back memories.


"Independence... Or death. We would rather DIE than give into you and join your SMP."

Wilbur said, standing infront of his fellow members of L'manberg. Dream smiled and lit the TNT while Wilbur gave a smug look.

"C'mon guys back- back away don't let this ONE piece of TNT hurt you-"

That's when all hell broke loose. The TNT under the nation started to have a chain reaction to the one above. Dream, George, and Sapnap cheered while the members started to run away and soon fell into water.


Dream looked at his bow and felt a bit of sadness. But not a lot. So that didn't hold him back. He looked at Tommy and Tubbo arrive along with Niki, Fundy, and Eret. Dream just smiled at Tubbo.

D: "You need any arrows?"
TB: "No I-I'm fine."
D: "Ok. Let's get this over with."
TB: "Ok..."
D: "Did I mention I changed the rules a bit?"
TB: "Huh?"
D: "No splash poison of poison. Full health,"

Tubbo was in shock a bit but nodded his head.

TB: "O-Ok..."

Everybody got in their place. Dream and Tubbo were back and back, and everybody else was in the background. 

TM: "... 10 paces go! 10"

Both took a step away from each other.

TM: "9."

And another.

TM: "8."


TM: "7."

Tubbo gave a nervous look to Tommy.

TM: "... 6..."

Tommy started to sound more nervous now.

TM: "5, 4, 3, 2, 1. FIRE!"

Dream instantly turned around and fired at Tubbo which got him in his arm. Tubbo thought it was nothing but Dream's arrows were damage tipped. Tubbo shot at Dream, getting him in his Leg. Dream fired again and got Tubbo in his chest. Yeah not good.

Tubbo_ was shot by Dream

Tommy and everybody else started in shock. 


Tears were starting to fall out of his eyes already as Dream took out the arrow in his leg and walked over to Tommy.

TB: "Tommy... I-It hurts..."

Now Tubbo started to cry which just made Tommy cry more.

N: "Tubbo... No..."
F: "Tubbo..."
E: "..."
TM: "Tubbo! Why?! Why did you accept you know you only had 1 life left why!?"
TB: "I... wanted what's best for L'manberg..."
TM: "You shouldn't put you're fuckin life before a nation!"

Tubbo chuckled weakly as his fingers started to disappear and turn into a white glow.

TB: "Oh... I don't have... much time left do I?"
TM: "Don't say that Tubbo please!"
TB: "I'm sorry Tommy..."

Tubbo smiled as he fully started to disappear.

TB: "I think... you'll make a good president..."

Tubbo's loot lay on the ground as Tommy just stared at where is best friend used to lay. He just realized the blood on his hands as he started to sob.

N: "T-Tubbo..."

Tears kept falling down Niki's eyes as Fundy looked away and Eret just stared in shock. Dream started to walk away before being shot by Tommy which did make him stop.

D: "What do you mean? Tubbo accepted the deal."

Dream walked away after that, leaving the residents of L'manburg mourning their friends death.

Dream whispered to you: Don't do anything brash btw.

Tommy ignored it and just continued to cry. Tubbo died. He lost HIS tubbo. The Tubbo he fixed his relationship with. The Tubbo he wanted to go back to so bad. The Tubbo he built L'manberg with.

Maybe jumping in the lava wouldn't be so bad...


813 this time! I said this was gonna be short lmao-

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