༅:*゚:*:✼✿ David ✿✼:*゚:༅

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Um, another winter/Christmas special type fanfic. Cuz the holidays are here and I just fucking love snow. Also, I apologize for the beginnings of the stories becoming kinda repetitive. So ... yeah, enjoy.

⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆

You and the Elders are underneath Elder Rock, just like every other day. Since it was December it was getting dark out faster, making it already almost pitch black by the time the dinner horn rang out every day. Today was particularly boring, Mark and Barry were sitting at the table, arguing over which medieval weapon was superior, (I personally think the cyanide-laced crossbow is) While you and David sit awkwardly listening to the argument. That's when you hear the dinner horn play, but it's not the same D note as usual, (Okay I actually went to the timekeeper episode to find the note, so *research*) But a C note instead. As if on queue a severe weather warning appears on your phone.

"'Light snowstorm to turn into nor'easter, winter storm advisory until 7 am tomorrow...'"

you read aloud, once again if, on queue, all of your phones rang out at once with message notifications. All of you looking at them, seeing it's from your parents, all reading with the same message "Get home now." All except yours, you see, your home is about 3 miles away from the creek, it's a long walk every day, but it's worth it. The message from your mother instead was:

"Please go to a closer friend's house, some of the roads have already been blocked off, and even if they weren't it's too icy out."

You already knew Mark was staying at Barry's house for the night, but you were closer to David than you were to the others anyway.

"Yo David, you know how your mum said I'm welcome at your place anytime? Yeah, um, I'm gonna have to take you up on that offer, my mother doesn't want me walking 3 miles home hehe."

You add a nervous chuckle to the end as a very light pink dusts your face out of embarrassment.

"Sure dude! WAIT- THIS COULD BE SO SICK! I finally got Sister Location last weekend, we could blow through the whole game tonight!" (Sorry my FNaF phase is coming back with a vengeance)

You giggle at his expression, he seems so excited, he's practically bouncing up and down in his seat. After a moment you all emerge from underneath the rock to find that there's already about 2 inches of snow on the ground. It must've been so dark you guys must not have noticed before. It seems, however, that the snow has slowed to a light flurry for the time being. You take a moment and stare into the sky watching the flakes come down.


You whisper under your breath.

"C'mon Y/n! We gotta get going before it gets worse."

David yells from a few feet away. You quickly walk over to him as you both start walking out of the creek and You and David go in the opposite direction of Barry and Mark. About 2 minutes into the walk the snow starts to fall fast and in big flakes as the wind whips it against you both.

"Shit! It's starting to come down hard. Here!"

David stretches his hand behind him and towards you, asking you to take it. You do and you both start to run. You and he make it to his house in about another 5 minutes. Both your faces pink from the cold as you get through the door. A voice comes from the kitchen,

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