‧͙⁺˚*・༓☽ Mark ☾༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆

As you sit under elder rock with the other guys, you're in the middle of a heated match of dungeons and dragons. You're the last one standing in the boss battle. 

"As Barry and David's corpses lay on the ground next to Y/n, the boss is in critical condition. The water continues to rise, giving you less and less time and allowing the Gongoozler (if you get the name we're friends now) to thrive in its natural environment. You have enough energy for one spell/action left. Your move." 

Mark narrates with a smirk. He thinks he has you beat, but in his little monologue, he revealed that the Gongoozler can only survive in water.

"I cast a drainage spell on the grand hall."

You watch as his face falls

"Whatever, just roll for initiative..."

He replies, rolling his eyes. Barry and David bouncing behind you in anticipation. You can hear David muttering under his breath, 

"C'mon, D20, D20, D20....." 

You chuckle a little as you roll the dice, both nervous and excited. Your eyes follow the die tumbles across the table... D20.


you shout and jump up from your seat.

"Take that dipshit!"

Mark grunts and wipes his DM stuff off the table and onto the floor. You on the other hand are squealing and giving high fives to the others. When the dinner horn goes off.

"See you guys tomorrow!" 

Barry says as he exits the rock

"Yeah, by Mark! Bye, Y/n! Nice campaign this week!" 

David adds as he also leaves.

"I should go too, see ya!"

You turn to exit when Mark grabs your arm

"Oh no, you don't! You're helping me clean this up!"

He says referencing the stuff of the ground he pushed off.

"It's your fault pushed it all over, so you're gonna help! And I know your curfew on Friday is 11:00, so don't pull that dinner bs." 

You sigh and know you're not getting out of this. You look up from the ground and realize how close his face is from yelling at you. Causing him to let go of your arm and back up once you make eye contact, a light pink tinge covering his face.

"Fiiinnneee, I'll help. But only if you stop screaming like a banshee and we get pizza after."

"Deal, now start picking up."

You roll your eyes and sit on the ground beginning to pick up the dice and plastic coins you used as currency in your campaigns. You begin to pick up the cards laying on the ground as well before becoming distracted and trying to build a house of cards. Mark finishes up the other half of the cave. He turns around once finished to find you still sitting on the ground.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? You were supposed to clean up."

This startles you, causing you to knock over the house of cards.

"That was the best one I made yet!"

you whined

"Fuck you, Mark."

"Sure, what time?"

You whip your head around and see him standing about a foot away.

"You wanna run that by me again, or...?"

You're blushing and as you ask you can see a dark crimson crawl onto his face in the dark lighting.

"I-it was a j-joke. F-fucking moron."

he grumbles and turns away. You chuckle a little and he turns right back around and tackles you, your back now to the ground. 

"You dare laugh at me Peasant?!" 

This only makes you giggle more, His eyebrows furrowed and teeth bared in anger, not to mention; who the hell calls someone "peasant"?

"What makes you think I'm the peasant here dumbass?"

This seems to make him even more frustrated


He's basically yelling at this point


His lips smash into your, quite violently at that. His eyes are squinted shut and yours wide open in shock. He pulls away after about 2 seconds. His face tinted pink, that is until he opens his eyes and he makes direct eye contact. As soon as he does his face becomes a dark red that would put David's cloak to shame. He falls back and quickly scurries backward in a flustered state.  

"Oh my fucking god..."

"Mark, are you okay?"

You had never seen him upset with himself. He was always angry or blaming someone else, never himself.

"I- I am so sorry. I- Fuck."

"Woa-ho-ho, look at his highness apologizing."

You joke and giggle, trying to lighten the mood, you look towards him and see him hiding his face into his hands. 

"Listen... I should be the one apologizing dude, I was provoking you. I should've recognized your boundaries and known when to stop joking."

He takes his hands away from his face and gazes towards you. He wasn't used to you being serious, you were always joking and laughing.

"I- I just didn't want it to happen like this."

Your blush worsens, if that was even possible. Thank god it was too dim for him to see it.

"I- uh- would you care to elaborate?"

You get up and move to the opposing wall and next to Mark, putting your hands on his shoulders and turning him to face you.

"Y/n... I- I love you."

You giggle once again trying to lighten the mood. You flick his forehead.

"Already breaking out the 'L' word, huh?" 

He grumbles and looks towards the ground

"Sorry. Well, you coulda let me know sooner. What, were you expecting me to be Sherlock Holmes?"

He looks back towards you with puppy dog eyes.

"Y/n, just tell me that you don't like me like that. Don't sugar-coat it."

You gaze straight back into his eyes. 

"But I have nothing to sugar-coat..."

He raises one of his eyebrows in confusion before you press your lips against his. He brings his hand up to the back of your head, holding you into the kiss. You both pull apart after a few more seconds. 

"I love you too dude. Basically since the 7th grade," 

you add giggling


His voice gives out a little and cracks

"That... was pretty cute..."

"Oh shut up."

"Now c'mon!" You say jumping up, "You promised pizza after!" 

You extend your hand to Mark, still leaned against the rock. He sighs and grabs it as you yank him upwards.

"Let's go!"


Damn, 1061 words, that's a big number. Anyways, thanks for making it through this. Um, here take a fucking cookie as a reward (surprise, I can't find the cookie emoji) But yeah hope you liked it.

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