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As soon as Murphy bid his goodbye to Sabra they were off, Murphy had sent a text to his parents telling him where he was going in case one of them got home sooner than Murphy did

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As soon as Murphy bid his goodbye to Sabra they were off, Murphy had sent a text to his parents telling him where he was going in case one of them got home sooner than Murphy did. "Are you texting your parents?" Murphy looked at Buck smiling softly before nodding his head. "They like to know when I leave just in case something happens to me."

Buck hums as he pays attention to the road. "Do you ever feel trapped with everything your parents are making you do now that you're sick?" Murphy opened his mouth to defend his parents but closed it quickly when he realized Buck was right, his life was so different than what it was a few months ago. "I didn't realize that until now, I always just brushed it off as they were worried about me but you aren't wrong sometimes I do feel trapped." Buck reached over and put his hand on the console for Murphy to take which he did.

"Where are we going on our date?" Murphy changed the subject quickly which Buck didn't seem to mind as he went along with the flow. "I was thinking we would go to the beach, maybe grab some pizza on the way." Murphy smiled nodding.

"I like that idea, picnic at the beach."

Buck chuckles and pulls into the pizza place. "Are you picky? If not I can just get a medium-sized cheese pizza." Murphy nods in agreement. "That sounds good, can I wait here?" Buck squeezes Murphy's hand before letting go and opening the jeep door. "I'll be back with the pizza." Murphy clicks the lock once Buck gets out.

He browses a little bit on his phone when suddenly his laugh at a funny video turns into a cough, he grabs a tissue and spits some phlegm onto the tissue before rubbing his chest to make the pain go away. He thinks about calling Doctor Holmes but he doesn't want to risk ruining the date that Buck has planned for him so he sucks it up and promises himself to tell the Doctor next time he sees her.

He jumped when he heard the knock on the drivers' window, he looked up to see Buck looking at him worried. He unlocked the door and Buck put the pizza in the back seat. "Are you okay?" Buck asks as he gets into the jeep. "Yea, I'm fine." Murphy nods smiling what he hopes looks reassuring to Buck it seemed to work because he shrugged and started to drive out of the parking lot.

"You know, my sister wants to meet you." Murphy looked at Buck with wide eyes. "Why?" Buck chuckles softly. "She wants to meet the man who has stolen my heart I guess, she's a former nurse and I keep her updated on your condition quite often. I hope that's alright." Murphy shrugged. "I don't really care, she's your sister. I want the time we have together to be the best."

Buck looked at Murphy sadly before lifting Murphy's hand to his lips and kissing his knuckles softly. "Can I ask you something?" Murphy says when the ride has been silent for a little bit, Buck furrows his brows nodding keeping his eyes on the road.

"Do you want to be there?" Buck knew what he was asking because Murphy's voice shook as he said it. "When you pass?" At Murphy's nod, Buck continued speaking. "If you want me there I will be there. I don't have to be if you don't think it's appropriate since we haven't been together for that long."

Murphy gulped before giving his answer. "I would like you to be there if it's not too hard." Buck gave Murphy a small smile before nodding, they pulled to a stop in the beach parking lot. "I put towels in the back seat to lay on the sand, can you grab them?" Murphy nodded getting out and grabbing the stuff out of the back seat, Murphy was lucky the wind had a slight breeze to it or he would be hot in his sweat pants and his loose shirt. 

Murphy followed Buck knowing that Buck would lead him to the spot he had in mind, Buck stopped in the perfect spot gesturing for Murphy to place the towel down which he did. "Wow, a sunset pizza beach picnic," Murphy murmured to himself but he knew that Buck had heard him.

"You like it?" Murphy nods quickly scooting over so Buck can sit beside him. "I love it, this is fantastic Buck." Buck blushed trying to busy himself with sitting out the pizza so Murphy couldn't see his blush but it was too late he already had.

Murphy took a bite of the pizza moaning at how delicious it was. "This is good Buck, you really are pulling out all the stops for this date." Suddenly Buck turned to him and looked at him seriously. "That's because I want to become your boyfriend, officially. I want to put a stamp of the boyfriend label on our relationship."

Murphy swallowed the pizza before looking at Buck. "Oh." Murphy was speechless, he didn't know how to react to what Buck just told him. "Are you sure? I'm dying Buck, I don't want you to have to go through that." Buck shook his head making his hair flop around.

"I'm already in it, It's hard but I think I've come to terms with it. I don't want you to die but I do want you to be happy." Murphy grabbed Buck's hands. "But I want you to be happy Buck, it's not just about me."

Buck let go of one hand to caress Murphy's cheek. "I know, it would make me the happiest man in the world if I could call you my boyfriend but I want to give you that choice." Murphy melted, he knew that he loved Buck.

He leaned towards him and kissed Buck on the lips. "Okay, let's do it, boyfriend." Buck leaned back from the kiss letting his hands rest on Murphy's waist nodding to make sure getting a definite nod in return.

This was perfect, but Murphy somehow knew perfect wouldn't last forever.

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Until The End || Evan Buckley ✓Where stories live. Discover now