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Murphy pulled into the hotel building and he parked, he grabbed the package which was in the passenger with his work tablet on top of the box

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Murphy pulled into the hotel building and he parked, he grabbed the package which was in the passenger with his work tablet on top of the box. Jumping out of his car he had the small package under his arm, tablet being held in the other hand.

He pushed the door with his back and walked into the hotel, the front desk wasn't difficult to find so he walked over to the woman. "Can I help you?" The woman looked at him smiling.

"I have a package here for this hotel, I just need you to sign here."

Murphy thought he felt the floor shake under his feet but shook the feeling off and slide the tablet on the counter so she can sign. "Here you go, have a good day." The woman politely nodded taking the package off the counter when Murphy grabbed the tablet.

When Murphy felt the shaking under his feet was getting worse, he started to panic. "Earthquake!" He felt himself shout, he looked around frozen all his memories flashed before his eyes. He hoped his parents were safe.

He felt pain in his shoulder as he was knocked to the ground, he looked over and he saw darkness.

"Hey, sir."

Murphy blinked awoke from a tap on his face, when he opened his eyes his breath skipped it was either from the hot guy or the situation Murphy was in. "Don't try to get up." The man said when Murphy tried to sit up, he looked to his right and saw why. "Oh my god." A piece of rebar was through his shoulder, he couldn't feel his arm which from the many medical dramas he watched knew that wasn't good.

"I can't feel my arm, that's not good right Mr. Firefighter Man?"

The man chuckled which made Murphy fall for the man more. "Call my Buck and it common for this type of injury, do you remember your name, sir?"

Murphy nods. "My name is Murphy Bashir, I'm 26. I live with My Dad's Adam and Simon." Buck chuckles. "Guess we can rule out concussion huh?" Murphy cracks a grin.

"How are we going to get out of here?"

Buck talks into his shirt which crackles to life. "Safety is on its way, for now, you're stuck with me." Murphy felt a wave of pain, he gripped his hand tightly but that was quickly replaced by Buck's hand. "I felt pain, that's good right?" Murphy asked once the wave of pain was over but he didn't let go of Buck's hand.

"It's something, I didn't come here with a lot because I was just doing a check but I can give you some light medicine if it's too bad."

Murphy shook his head. "No, I want to wait until help comes. I also like your company." Buck laughs which made Murphy blush but luckily you couldn't see it. "Well thank you, I've never seen someone turn down patients because they liked my company." Murphy could feel himself fading, he fought to stay awake.

"Hey, Murph. Help is almost here okay, I can hear Chimney."

Murphy felt his eyes flutter as he gripped Buck's hand tightly. "What kind of name is Chimney?" Murphy heard himself say, his voice sounded like it wasn't his.

"Murphy!" That was the last thing Murphy heard as his eyes fluttered close and his hand that was holding Buck's went lax.


When Murphy came to his senses he heard beeping, he felt a hand holding his. He didn't want to wake up but he knew he had to. Murphy's eyes fluttered open, they felt heavy to his own muscles. "Baba." Adam's head turned towards the now awake Murphy.

"Hi sweetheart, Dad's here too."

Out of his line of vision, Adam beckoned Simon over who was carrying two coffees, Murphy noticed they looked sad. "I'm okay, I'm alive you don't have to look sad." Murphy tried to cheer up his parents but they didn't even crack a smile, Adam looked away and grabbed his coffee.

Murphy began to get worried, he tried to sit up but was stopped by Simon. "Don't try to get up kiddo, you're healing. I'll call the nurses station." Simon pressed the big red button and it clicked so Simon started talking. "Murphy is awake so if you could send in the doctor that would great."

"Of course, he'll be right in."

The wait was boring, he tried to prod his parents for information but they just gave him sad looks, he was hopeful when the doctor walked in but joining him was a woman.

"I'm glad to see you're awake Mr. Bashir."

Murphy cracked a smile. "Please call me Murphy, now can someone tell me what's going on."

The doctor looked at his parents. "When we went in to sew up your shoulder, we noticed something on the ultrasound on your breast. We did a blood test." The doctor stopped talking and motioned for the woman to start talking.

She smiled softly and took a seat next to Murphy. "You have breast cancer." Murphy felt the blood rush to his ears, he felt like he was underwater.

"How long do I have?"

Murphy heard Adam's breath catch when he said that but he didn't pay attention, he just looked at the doctor. "We need more tests to do that, which is why you're going to be transferred to my care. I'm Dr. Jules Holmes.

Murphy nods slowly. "This might be a stupid question but I thought men couldn't get breast cancer." He saw Jules let out a small smile. "It's very rare, but when you get discharged I want you to set up an appointment with my office okay?" Murphy nodded, so far he likes Jules which is good.

"Now, speaking of discharge. We should be able to release you in about 2 days if everything goes well, now you will have to wear a sling but you shouldn't have to go to P.T."

Murphy licked his lips and nodded, his head was still reeling from his news. "I think that's all?" Jules at Murphy's doctor and he nods so they start walking out of the room.

He sits up slowly despite his parents not wanting him too, he reaches with his left hand to grab some water. "We can go with you to see Doctor Holmes, you can just let me know when you set the appointment for."

Murphy shook his head. "Honey, you need someone with you." He doesn't know if it was the stress or what but he snapped. "No Baba, I'm 26. I don't need you or Dad coming with me to my doctors' appointments." As soon as it left Murphy's mouth he felt ashamed.

"Okay, I think I'm gonna get me some chips from the hallway."

Adam got up and walked out of the room, Simon stared at Murphy. "I know this is difficult news, but it's not just difficult on you Murph." Simon walked out of the room without giving Murphy a chance to reply.

He looked out of the small window, he felt a tear slip down his face but he didn't wipe it away. He deserved to be reminded of what happened, he can't wrap his head around how his life completely changed in one day. 


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