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It's been a week since the  carnival. We had practice test this week.  I had completely forgot about the love letter. I would soon remember.
( I think song kinda reminds me of all my fictional crush's so here 🤗)

~After class~
"Damn it I am failing this class, THE EXAMS  ARE NEXT WEEK!" Mina said turning a little less pink. " geez I suck at these tests..." Sero mumbled. He was right next to me so I could hear.  " Well, I got a B.... I can help you with studying.." I whispered to him. " Oh no you don't have to do that Y/N." he replied back. " Sure I can. I have extra time on my hands. Besides.." I looked over at his test. " I think you might need it." I said. 

" Thanks Y/N.. when do we start?" Sero asked. I grabbed his hand and  answered " how about now?".  I ran to the dorms with him following behind me. Until I got to my dorm.  " come on in." He was speechless. I was showing him around my dorm a little. " Your dorm is super cool Y/N." he stated with his  thumb playing with my fingers. "Thanks,  you can sit on my bed."  Y/N said. I grabbed a few books from my selfs. Sero sat on my bed. I had turn to face him once again. " Okay let's get started!"

~After an hour or so of studying~

Sero was looked confused. " Here let's take a break." As she moved the books away from him. " We can watch a movie!" Y/N said happily. Sero smiled. " Okay what do you have in mind?" He asked. They pick out a movie ( you imagine what kind of movie).

They started the movie on Y/N's laptop. They were laying on her bed.  He put his arm around her waist. He was behind her. She didn't mind. She noticed the movie was over. She turned to look at him. She had realized he was basically cuddling her. " Oh um I am sorry." He moved his hand away. She grabbed his hand and put it right back. " No, it's fine. I don't mind anyway."  He was blushing so hard.  Then she snuggled into his chest and fell asleep. He played with her hair and fell asleep after her.

~ a while later ~

Sero had woken up.  He look at the the clock shit.. it's 9:09 pm. He needed to back to his dorm. He tried to move. Something was clinging on to his shirt. He tried to get up then he heard a  sleeply voice. " nooo, stay. Your comfy and warm."  Seros eyes wided and his face startedto heat up. "Butterfly.. I have to go.." he said giggling a bit. Sero had this nickname for her but he never said it out loud until now." But whyyy?" She said into his shirt. " We have school tomorrow.." he said while stroking her hair

Sero didn't want to leave her however they did have school tomorrow. " Please stay.." she said quietly looking up at him with her eyes bearly open. " Okay I will stay.." he replied. " Thanks tape boi ." She said to tired to recognize what she had called him. Then she kissed him on cheek. She  quickly fell back asleep. Sero was blushing so hard. He took out his phone and took a picture of her. ( not in a creepy way although it sounds like it)She looks so cute. He thought to himself.

~Time Skip~
" Y/n! Come on girl we have school!" Mina told Y/N while jumping on her. " She woke up. Oh no. Mina is going to find me cuddling with Ser- she look over and just saw a yellow hoodie beside her that she was cuddling with. " Oh okay Mina give me a sec to get changed.." Mina left so Y/N could get ready.

She got up and put her uniform on. She put on the hoodie over it. It smells good. Wow Y/N way to be a creep. She did the thing with the leaves. She went to grab her convers. The a note fell out of the hoddie pocket it read.

Last night I went to get up and leave but you were already clinging on to me. I left this morning to go change and get ready for school. Thanks for helping me study. It really helped. Hopefully we can to this again sometime.
- Tape boi

And P.s- you can keep the hoodie

She felt her cheeks heat up. Before she had time to question why she was blushing. "Y/N you coming?" Mina asked. " Yeah let's go!" They Link arms and walked to class.

Word count: 770
Thanks for reading.
To be continued... ( Dun Dun Dun)

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