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Hey guys I am not dead! Sorry about not posting. I should finish this. Well I hope y'all enjoy. Stay safe.
( also I am not good at spelling so i am sorry)

This will be some backstory on Y/N Powers and
F/n- friends name
Y/c/n- your crushes name

"Y/N darling time to get up.." My mom said rubbing my back softly. I looked over at my cyan alarm clock. It was 5:00 am. I knew what today was.

"Mama why do we have to run all these tests,"I was now sitting up facing my mother as I spoke. " We have been doing this since  I was six. They aren't going to find anything mom."

" Y/N.. I know these tests aren't the... best things in the world but this could help us control your quirk well better." She said with a concern and hopeful smile.

"I can control it just fine.." I sighed.

"Y/N did you forget about last week with your friend sam" She looked question


I was at recess. Everyone was giggling and playing. I was hanging out with my "friend" Sam. We were sitting on the bench chatting about our regular stuff for 4th graders.

" So Y/N I heard from around school you have a crush on y/c/n... is it true?" I looked up at them.

"Pshh what nooo i mean eww love and stuff.." I huffed.

" oh well, Anyway if you did that would be embarrassing for you." Sam said smirking.

I knew what he was doing. People at my school think that my quirk is a joke. They think that when I get upset I just say my quirk is acting up so I can get out of class. They try to get me upset to see if my quirk is real. This has been happening more and more in the last couple weeks.

"I am not doing this sam." I said getting off the bench and trying to walk off somewhere else. Until I heard Sam say.
" I mean look at you, your just some freak!"

That last word rung through my ears over and over.

" Sam what's your deal?!" I said. I felt my finger tips going numb. This was one of the earliest stages of my quirk. It was a slight hint.

"Nothing I am just saying what everyone thinks your a freak."

I felt my face heat up in embarrassment and in rage.

" Oh come on Y/N you have to know it's true.."

I felt the tingling in through out my whole body.

" Everyone one thinks it!"

I felt the electricity go through my whole body. I was squeezing my eyes shut trying to focus on my breathing.

" You are some low life freaky girl. No one is ever going to love you with a quirk like that...."

I wanted to speak the words weren't coming out.

" Your nothing but a monster."

Come one Y/N don't let her get to you...

" Who ever says they love you is a lair!" Sam snickered.

I open my eyes. The gravel under our feet started to rumble.

" Oh Come Y/N hit me hot shot!"

I blacked out after that. I had woken up in the nurses office in a bed.

Apparently Sam is now in the hospital with a broken arm and a couple fractures.

Words are not cuts drawn over blood but cuts into ones  soul

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