Chapter 15: Mum, Seven Harry's, and George's Ear Too.

Start from the beginning

We waited for a few hours for Mad-Eye to return with the others, so there was a lot of sitting. "Blimey Freddie, I'm starvin! I didn know we'd be here all day," I snarked. I got cranky when I was hungry.

"I know love, lemme get you a bite to eat. I'll be back, just stay here."

"I love you Freddie! Thank you!" I hugged him before he left. He just laughed.

He came back right before Moody returned, giving me about three minutes to eat the lovely rolls he found me. They were delicious.

Hermione, Ron, Bill, and Fleur all joined us in the room. Tonks and Arthur emerged from the port key as well. Remus was already present with Kingsley. I waved to everyone as they entered.

"Now, everyone here?" Moody asked the room.

"Well if they weren't they wouldn' be able to answer Mad-Eye," I laughed.

"Enough, Fudge!"

"Oi. Take it easy on her, Mad-Eye!" Fred replied coming to my defense. He kissed the top of my head. I came to his shoulders, it was perfect head kissing height.

"Now.. Madungus, what's this brilliant plan of yours?" Moody asked this short, stocky man standing in the back.

"Okay, well I reckon this is the best idea I had in me life," he boasted.

"Get to it!" Moody snapped.

"Who is that?" I whispered to Freddie.

"I'll tell ya after love," he whispered back.

"Okay love." He never did tell me who he was.

"Well, my idea is this," the short man continued. "We take some pollyjuice potion, al'right. And the we get a lock of Harry's hair and we put it in the potion.."

"Hurry up," Moody again interrupted.

"Alright, alright... and then six of us take the potion and transform into young Mr. Potter. Seven Harry's. Each one has a member of the order as a protector. That's me plan.."

There was a pause.

I looked around and saw some of the younger members seeming to consider it, and the older members looking like they were letting them.

"That's a bloody awful idea.." I spoke up.

"Why'da we need seven?! Why not just two or three?" I tried to talk them all out of it.

"Mary, darling...can we talk outside?" Fred asked hurriedly after a moment of silence.

"Oh yeah, course."

When we got outside, Fred hugged me before he said, "that took bollocks! Love it! But it's actually a bloody brilliant idea.."

"You're not ACTUALLY considering it, are you!?" I asked annoyed.

"Mary love, it's Harry.."

"I bloody know it's Harry! But d'you actually know what's being asked of you Fred?! And another thing! Why THE BLOODY HELL is it up to you and the youngers?! That's mad!"

Fred stopped me and pulled me in for a hug.
"The older members are better than us, for defense— it makes sense."

"No it bloody doesn't.." I let the tears fall. "It's bloody dumb. I cannot believe your dad is gonna let YOU AND GEORGE AND RON do this madness.."

"Let's go back inside love." We walked back inside twenty minutes later, and it appeared that it was already decided.

"Lemme guess, you lot already decided?" I was right miffed.

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