Steve: Nat are you sure the thing that we are looking for is here? This place looks abandoned.

Natasha: Not the thing, but what it contains. And it looks abandoned because it is. That's the first ever Red Room base, opened in 1927 and closed in 1942.

With a big sigh, Natasha pushed open the masive wooden doors. In side the big hallway portraits of people could be seen, and Natasha recognize all of them. All of them trained her.

Bruce: Do you know who all these people are?

Natasha ignored his question and just walked deeper into the hallway. The team followed her while looking at the inside.

After some time Natasha stopped. Pushing open the door  memories
started flying thru her mind.


Red Room base, Russia  1942

Natalia was training when two guards came in.

Guard 1: Boss wants to see you.

Natalia: When?

Guard 1: Now.

With that they left and soon enough she did too. Knocking on the wooden doors and hearing a 'come in' ,she entered. In the room were Ivan, Madame B  and four girls all standing still with blank expression on. When Natalia joined them Madame B spoke.

Madame B: Congratulations! The five of you will continue to the next and final level of The Black Widow Project.

Ivan: That's all . Now go rest ,tomorrow morning the procedure will start.

All the girls nodded their heads 'yes' and turned to leave .

~next morning~

The girls woke up as usual. A guard came and unhandcuffed them, they showered, got dressed and went to the medical room. There nurses strapped them to the beds then Ivan and Madame B showed up .

Ivan: Good morning! Today one of you will become The Black Widow. What is about to happen now is that the nurses will inject you with a serum. Not a normal one, but a super soldier serum. It will give you strength ,you will be faster and will age slower then the average person. That of course if you survive. Do it doctor.

At his words the five nurses each got an syringe and  inserted the red liquid. Seconds after that every girl started shaking furiously ,screaming, crying from pain and trying to break lose from the restrainers. This continued for 10 minutes until one by one they started to lose  consciousness. Nurses went around and checked if they were alive. Only one was. Natalia. 

~present day~

Bruce: at...Nat...Natasha 

He was waving his hand in front of her face .

Natasha: Yeah?

Clint: Nat are you alright? You've been staring at the door for like 5 minuets without moving.

Natasha: I'm ok.

Clint: Yeah...

Natasha took a deep breath and opened the doors. Inside was just how she remembered.

Tony: So the thingey is here?

Wanda: Isn't that the guy that were looking for!? 

Natasha: Yes, Ivan Petrovich.

Without saying anything else she went behind the desk and took off the painting of Ivan. Behind it there was a safe. Natasha started trying possible passwords but when nothing worked she took her gun out and shoot it until it opened.

Tony: Okkkkkk...You know that with the right equipment  me or Bruce could open it.

Natasha: Whatever

The spy took out some old notebooks and gave one of them to Bruce.

Natasha: It's in russian ,so you're going to have to translate it.

Sam: What's in the other two notebooks?

Natasha: Not important.

He opened his mouth to say something but Natasha shoot him a glare and he closed it.

Steve: Let's just go.

~Avengers Tower~

Fury: Did you get what we need?

Bruce: Uhmmm... We have a list with what it contains, but it's in russian so it will take time.

Fury: So you don't have an actual sample of it?

Natasha: No and besides there isn't an actual sample.

Fury just nodded. He knew Natasha was hiding something but he also knew  that The Red Room was a sensitive subject to her and he didn't want to push her.

After that all of them went to their rooms except Tony and Bruce, they were in the lab.

Natasha was sitting on her bed reading the notebooks .They were Madame B's notes on her training.  She was going thru them when she heard a knock on her door.

Demons from the past {~Natasha Romanoff~}Where stories live. Discover now