Get Yourself Together

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It has been a few days since Natasha bought the ticket to Anadyr. Her flight was at 7am tomorrow but she planned to leave at around 4:30 just to be sure no one would be up to stop her. It was currently 6:48pm and Natasha was getting ready to go downstairs for dinner. This would be the last dinner she would have with the Avengers until she makes sure The Red Room is no longer active. 

She got down to the common room and saw that everyone was at the table, except her, Wanda and Sam. 

Tony: Oh here she is our Russian Majesty.

Natasha: Seriously Stark?

 Tony: Yes, I'm serious. 

He looked at her with the best serious face he could make but soon cracked up a smile. Natasha sat at her usual seat and rolled her eyes at Tony. Not five minutes later Wanda came in. The moment she saw Natasha she sat next to her, ignoring Clint who was complaining that she is sitting on his seat. 

Wanda: Do you seriously have to?

Wanda whispered that close to Natasha so no one else could hear. Hearing her words the ex-assassin understood that Wanda knew about her leaving. 

Natasha: We will talk later. I promise.

The young girl looked at her with even sadder eyes. 

Wanda: Nat...

Natasha: Please not now.

Wanda got up from Clint's seat and went to her own. Natasha knew she shouldn't have just sent her away but she wanted to enjoy a normal evening with her family, well at least as normal as it could be with the Avengers. 

Pepper was soon ready with the diner and with some help from the others she served the table. All throughout the evening Wanda didn't stop looking at Natasha. For the past year the two have gotten pretty close and Wanda even considers Natasha as sister. Everyone talked for a bit more after dinner but soon they started to leave. Natasha was one of the last ones to leave. As she was getting up she motioned for Wanda to come. The young girl waited for a bit more before saying 'goodnight' and leaving towards Natasha's room. Once there the witch was trying to hold back tears. She did not want Natasha leave and she couldn't bear one more important person for her to leave, no matter for how long. When she entered the spy's room the older woman motioned for her to sit next to her but the young one shook her head and crossed her arms.

Wanda: Explain it.

Natasha: I think you already know it.

Wanda: I do I just want to hear you say it.

Natasha looked at Wanda with pleading eyes but she did not back down. Knowing this is going nowhere she sighed and got up.

Natasha: I think you know about Alexandur and Yelena and what they are to me.

Wanda: Yeah I do and I'm sorry about everything that has happened.

Natasha: Yeah. And you know Fury kicked me and Steve from the mission. I... I just can't sit around when they are still out there. Everything they did to me, to others and are still doing to children, I want to stop it.

Wanda: But you are going to come back, right?

Natasha: Yeah. Of course I am coming back.

Wanda: Ok.

Wanda couldn't hold it anymore and a few tears escaped her eyes. She sat next to Natasha and hugged her as hard as she can.

Demons from the past {~Natasha Romanoff~}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin