A Warmer Place

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Ehehehehe I'm back. 


The airport was not so full getting it was 6:38 and there were few minutes until they had to get onto the plane. Natasha was was seating on one of the not so comfortable chairs, reading a random magazine she bought from one of the stores at the airport. Her red hair was well hid under a brown wig and she had glasses. 

A little over ten minutes later she was boarding the plane and the eight and half hours flight began. Lucky for her not many people were on the plane with her. Natasha ordered a cup of coffee and put on a movie. Those hours would probably be her last calm hours for a while so she would try and enjoy them. 

Eight and a half hours later, Anadyr, Russia.

The plane landed and soon people were slowly getting their things and exiting the plane. Natasha was one of the last ones to exit and get inside the building. Not after two minutes in the not so crowded airport she spotted a familiar black haired woman. Natasha slowly crept behind her and the woman did not seem to notice her until she spoke.

Natasha: You got it?

Jumping up from shock, falling on the flor and catching a few eyes the woman looked up at Natasha with anger in her eyes.

Tori: Hello to you too Natasha. How are you doing? I am fine thanks for asking. Couldn't you have started with that?

Natasha: I could but why would I?

Tori: Quoi que <Whatever>. Now help me get up. 

The red head helped the other woman up and she dusted herself off and started walking out the building. Natasha walked to the driver seat of a car with Tori following into the passenger one. Once in the car the black haired woman opened the glove box compartment and handed them to Natasha two tick folders.

Tori: Here is everything you asked for.

Natasha: Thank you.

The red head checked the folders and gave Tori a nod. 

Tori: Out of curiosity, what have you gotten yourself into Tasha? Because you haven't called in a long time, not even to check up on votre chère amie Tori. < your dear friend Tori >

Natasha: Curiosity killed the cat Tori. And I don't call without a reason, you know that.

Tori: Okay, okay but couldn't you have at least chosen a warmer place. It's 1°C < 34°F > look it's even snowing. 

Natasha: I didn't chose it, and besides the cold never bothered me.

Tori: You're impossible. I hope you know that.

Natasha: I know. Goodbye Tori.

Tori: Yeah yeah goodbye. See you in another 5-7 years.

Tori got out as Natasha started the engine and exited the almost empty airport parking lot. Tori was wright it really was cold and it did bother Natasha, not that she would ever admit it, it brought back some terrible memories. The drive to the safe house would be less than 15 minutes and Natasha was sort of worried. For once this past month not because of the Red Room but because of meeting her fake family again after many years. She parked outside a light blue apartment building and looked at the message Yelena had send her with the address a few hours ago. It was the wright building so Natasha exited the car and walked in. Going to the third floor it took only a few seconds for a door to open and for the red head to be pulled in one of the apartments.

Before she could do anything a familiar voice spoke.

Melina: Relax it's us.

Natasha: Is that supposed to calm me  down?

Alexei: Well... yeah.

Looking up Natasha found herself in her fake fathers embrace.

Natasha: What was that for anyways?

Melina: Safety measure.

Alexei: Yeah you know if someone followed you or something like that, or if-

Melina: I think she gets it.

Natasha: Yeah I do get it. And you can let me go now. 

He let go off her and Melina led her towards what Natasha presumed to be the living room turned into monitoring room. Inside Yelena was checking one of the monitors showing the outside of an seemingly abandoned building.

Melina: Here is something to eat. You seem thinner.

Natasha: I'm not hungry.

Melina: Yes you are. Now eat. Yelena is there something new.

Yelena: You asked me that literally a minute ago. No there is no movement and Talia don't try and argue with her about food.

Natasha: Okay I'll eat it. What is that building?

Alexei: It's an old KGB base that Anastasia is hiding some children in. And you should listed to your mother.

Natasha grabbed the plate from Melina's hand, sat next to Alexei on the couch and mumbled something that sounded like ' she is not really my mother ' under her breath.

Natasha: Why don't we go and rescue them?

Yelena: 'Cuz we're not Tony Stark to just attack them. And besides after the Avengers last visit to one of her bases, Anastasia tripled the security. 

Natasha: Let me guess, you tried to that and failed.

Alexei: It was embarrassing.

Melina: And also frustrating. It's like she knew, they knew what our next move is going to be. How is the food.

Natasha: Delicious. And why didn't yo-

Before Natasha could finish Yelena cut her off and started typing furiously on her keyboard.

Yelena: Uhhh something is happening. Something very, very bad is happening. 

After she finished her sentence the lights and computers went out.


Look who is back! Your not so favorite author A.K.A me. I know it's a little after the 20th of september but I don't have a good excuse. Anyways I will be studying online for the next week and I'll try to write a bit so the next chapter will be coming sooner than this one. Promise. I hope you liked this one, sorry if there are any grammar mistakes and if the french is wrong (can't trust google translate) and yeah. See you soon. 

P.S don't forget that in another reality Captain Carter and Natasha are girlfriends. You can argue with the wall if you disagree. 

Words: 1007

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