Nat's Family

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What stood infront of the assasins was a man, in a metal suit, or known in the public eye as Iron Man. He was standing behind the computer while the metal suit holded up one of his arms, the repulsor lightning just the desk with a soft blue light. Wires from the suit were connected to the computer making the geniuses face more visible in the dark.

Alexei: Are you seeing what I am seeing.

Melina: Probably.

Tony: Hello there. Haven't seen each other yet, but you probably know who I am.

The assasins looked at each other and put their weapons down.

Melina: Where is Ivan?

Not even looking up Tony pointed to something behind him. Ivan, tied to a chair with his face being barely lit up.

Tony: F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you finish up?

F.R.I.D.A.Y.: Yes boss.

Alexei: What are you doing?

Tony: Well I am saving all of the files, restoring most of them and basicly doing all the smart stuff.

He said and sat on the stool behind the desk. The stool creaked and Tony purposley moved to make it creak more. Melina and Alexei looked at him in confusion.

Tony: So, you're Nat's family?

Melina: You can say that. Why did you come here?

Alexei: And how do you know this place even exists?

Tony: I feel like I'm  being interrogated, you guys ask a lot of questions. But to answer them I'll just say Natalie called.

Both looked at him confused.

Melina: Natalie?

Now it was Tony's turn to look confused and surprised.

Tony: Nat, Natalie. You've never-

Melina: No.

Tony: It's just a long story.

Alexei let out a quiet 'ow'.

Alexei: So are all of the Avengers here?

The billionaire nodded and squinted his eyes at the russian.

Tony: Well everyone exept Banner. He is in the jet. Question, why do you look like the russian version of Cap?

Alexei: Captain America. I do not look li-

Melina: Be case he sort of is his version.

Tony: Oh well... I am surprised.



Yelena: So how did you know what is happening?

Clint: Honestly don't know how Tony found out, but you should be glad because I just saved your ass.

Yelena: You wish.

Both went to the first door and Yelena shocked the lock with her widow bites unlocking it imediatley. Silently the assasins opened the door only to find the room empty.

Yelena: What the hell!?

Clint: Maybe this one is just empty. Let's check the others.

The blonde nodded and went to the other one, but to no avail, it was empty again. And so was the other one and the next and so on. All rooms were empty. Both of them knew what it ment, there is an army of trained black widows somwhere in the building. Probably looking for them or Natasha, or Melina and Alexei. This was bad.

Clint: Tony we have bad news.

Tony: Yes, Katniss?

Clint: There is an army of black widows somwhere around this building.

Tony: Which means?

Clint: It means there are around 30 Natashas around here. So be careful Tony, you too Cap.

Tony: Cap you copy?

Clint: CAP!?

Yelena: Judging by what I'm hearing it's bad.

Steve: We have bigger problems than that.

Clint: Cap where are you?

Steve: Ballet studio.

Clint: You know where is that?

Yelena: Of coure.

Yelena started running towards the direction being extremly careful to not have an encounter with the widows.



Anastasia: The Winter Soldier, Natalia. From flesh, metal and blood. You like it?

Natasha: No, not really.

Natasha stays in her place as the Winter Soldier comes closer and Anastasia moves out of his way, smiling. Natasha knew that she could probably take him down, it'd be hard, but she has a chance. However with Anastasia in the picture she probably wouldn't.

Anastasia: You see, I knew you would do something like this. You'd drag me somewhere no one couod get to us and kill me. You thought I would allow that didn't you?

Natasha: You're not giving your mither the credit she deserves, we both know you are not as smart.

The blondes face dropped to anger.

Anastasia: Make her suffer, солдат <soldier>. If I didn't have other things to do I would have finished you myself.

Natasha: You can keep telling yourself  that.

Anastasia walked out, leaving Natasha  and the Winter soldier alone. Black Widow against the Winter Soldier. He pointed his gun towards her but she ran to him, dodging a bullet to the head and kicked the weapont out of his hand. She went on to punch him, he caught her hand, twisting it behind her back but before he could do anything she headbuttet him and imediatley kicked his knee, making his leg give from underneath him and release her arm. Imediatley after she is freed from him she goes onto kicking his head but he cought her leg with the metal arm, making her fall to the ground. Both assasing got up from the ground and began throwing punches and kicks at each other. After a few rounds his metal arm was around Natasha's throat, squeezing so hard she could feel herself slip but then she used her widow bites causing a distraction long enough so that she could get out of his hold and slam his head hard against a wall.

Natasha: Я думал, ты мог хотя бы вспомнить меня. <I thought you could have at least remembered me>

At her word he fell to the ground and the red head was not about to miss this moment.Natasha quickly grabbed the gun from the ground and ran out of the room.

She ran until she reached where the ballet studio is. Upon hearing sound coming one of the studios she checked the gun and when she foun out it was fully loaded she raised it and walked to where the sounds were coming from.

Natasha: You've got to be kidding me.

Madame B: Sadly for you this is real life, not a joke.


Guess who is backkkkk. Meeeee

I had started this chapter long ago but had the inspiration to finish it just yesterday.

Anyways I have a very clear vision how to finish this story and I will try to post more chapters this month.

Yeah. I hope you liked this chapter and are doing great.


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