Chapter 8

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((**A/N** Soo.... I'm super in need of requests on my other story. >w> If anyone wants to see any short scenarios or boyfriend headcanons with the Diaboys, go comment on it, please!! I really wanna write some!))


After the conversation with Sachiko has time to settle in, I slowly start to realize what a mess the two of us are in. We agreed to play nice in our competition for Shuu, yeah, but how long can that last? I've seen what happens when someone gets in the way of a girl getting the guy she wants.

I hope that nothing bad comes of it. I spend the rest of the day hoping that.

Soon, night rolls around once again. I didn't sleep much. The stuff with my sister is weighing on me way too much.

But I wind up getting dressed anyway. No use laying around in bed, after all.

And then, still relatively early in the evening, I head down to the lower floor to get... breakfast? Can it even be considered breakfast when I'm on a nocturnal schedule like this? I don't know. Vampires are weird.

There's no one in the kitchen. Reiji's cooked most of the major meals we've had so far, but he leaves us to fend for ourselves when it comes to snacks and such.

I wind up digging up some leftovers from the morning before. Nothing special, although Reiji's cooking is actually pretty amazing. I'm impressed with the way that the guy can cook, even if he does perpetually act like he has a very long stick up his ass.

Eating alone is boring. I'm used to lively meals with family all gathered around the table. Aside from Sachiko and myself, our family is huge. We're our parents' only kids, sure, but there are aunts, uncles, cousins, and more all running around at any given moment. Living with the boys, who all seem to avoid each other, is just bizarre. 

And then, I get going. We're not technically allowed to go out yet, but a walk around the outer grounds of the mansion will probably do me some good. 

Who's gonna stop me, anyway?

My plan is just to wander around a bit. We're far enough in the countryside that I can't get anywhere interesting without a car, but still. I can explore the area near the mansion, see what kind of garden there is, and more. I'm used to Japanese-style homes, so the Western-style mansion is still really getting to me. It's fun, in a way. 

However, as soon as I've made it out to the entry room leading to the front door, my senses pick up on two people standing in my way. 

Peeking around a corner shows it to be Reiji and Shuu. 

Instantly, I perk up. Shuu. This is going to be way, way more entertaining than taking a walk... or maybe I could convince him to go with me. Time spent alone in a beautiful garden would so be a great way to start our budding romance. 

The two appear to be talking, though. Or more like Reiji appears to be lecturing Shuu. I'm not bothering to pick up on the exact words, since I don't really care. 

Enough of eavesdropping!

"Hi hi~!" 

I call out cheerfully as I step into the room fully, all but skipping over to where the two of them are. Reiji turns to look at me with something like, maybe, disgust, but Shuu doesn't even open an eye where he's lying on the couch. 

"Miss Yumi, is there something you require—" Reiji starts, sounding beyond exasperated at the sight of me. Rude. 

Well, two can play at that game. Without a care in the world, I push right past Reiji— with a fair amount of my inhuman strength to make him move. Since he wasn't expecting it at all, he's left stumbling to the side. Serves him right. I don't like being treated like a nuisance to anyone, least of all someone like him. 

"Shuu! How are you tonight?" 

The boy in question doesn't respond. He still has one earbud in (porn again?) and his eyes are closed. Am I going to have to poke him?

"That behavior was deplorable," Reiji snaps from behind me now that he's recovered from my shove. "And for no reason but to talk to the good-for-nothing? Honestly, I would have expected you to have been raised better."

There's malice in his tone, which just pisses me off. What's his problem? If it bothers him so much, he can just leave.

"Sorry," I bite back. "I wanted to talk to Shuu. And you were just... standing there."

There's a flicker of utter fury in Reiji's eyes. Oops. I think I may have just made him angrier. 

"...I see. So you truly do lack the slightest form of manners. If you weren't... of such esteemed heritage, I'd be obligated to teach you better myself," Reiji says, sounding well beyond offended.  "As it is, I think that being forced to associate with the useless thing lying there will be punishment enough. Oh, and do convince him to do his homework, if you would be so kind. Father won't be happy if he fails a year again."

With those dismissive words, Reiji turns and leaves... leaving me alone with Shuu. Score! He might have been a total dick, but at least I'm getting what I want out of it.

"So..." I start tentatively. "Now that that guy isn't bothering us, do you maybe wanna go for a walk together in the gardens? I bet the flowers are just gorgeous. Oooh, or! I could help you get your homework done! High school-level will be nothing for me."

For a few long seconds, Shuu doesn't respond. I stand there awkwardly. It feels like I just talked to a brick wall. Is he asleep? Did he even hear me? 

Finally, though—

"Troublesome..." Shuu mutters. 

"H-Huh? What was that?"

"I said, this is troublesome. I'm trying to sleep, so leave me alone. I don't need both you and Reiji bothering me." Shuu yawns after he says it, then proceeds to put his other earbud in and tune out the rest of the world. 

Well. That didn't go the way I wanted it to. 

That was as much of a "get lost" as I've ever heard, and it's not like I'm trying to get on his nerves. I guess I'll have to enjoy the gardens on my own this time.

"Ah, um, next time, then?"

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