Chapter 5

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((**A/N** Hi again! I know I've been gone a while, but I'm back with a new chapter!! Hopefully, I'll be able to update again soon. >.< Please read, vote, and comment if you can!))


Nocturnal schedules and I will never get along. I figure that much out quickly. Vampires may like keeping this kind of ridiculous schedule, but I'm not going to adjust so easily.

It's early morning, when all of the vampires are most likely asleep. Even though I've been told by a familiar that I should be sleeping too, I can't drift off no matter what I do. I'm wide awake, and that doesn't seem to be going to change anytime soon.

I decide that getting a drink might help me. Everyone else is asleep, so I shouldn't have any problems like I did with Ayato earlier.

Even though I'm in my pajamas, I tentatively wander out into the hallway.

The curtains are all drawn, and all of the lights are dimmed. I know that there's sunlight outside, but no more than a few little cracks are getting through.

It's sort of creepy. I stand near the doorway of my room for a minute or two before swallowing my fear and starting to walk. I know where the kitchen is already... so hopefully, there will be some bottled water or something for me to take back to my room.

There doesn't seem to be anyone else awake. The house is dead silent. My bare feet on the carpet make soft sounds, but that's it.

As I walk, I wind up lost in thought.

So... my sister likes Shuu too. That could be problematic. I know that if it came down to it, any guy would choose Yumi. She's bright, vibrant, and cheerful, and everyone around her seems to never be able to pull away. I'm certain that I stand no chance.

I try to tell myself otherwise. I have my own good points too! I'm smart, capable, and plenty cute. It's not like Yumi is better than me.

And I like to think she'd at least give me a chance.

I get to the kitchen and have to quit thinking so hard. Digging through the fridge takes priority. I open the stainless-steel doors and start searching for water.

There winds up being a few bottles in one of the lower drawers. I pop the cap off of one and take a few long gulps.

That's better. I always feel more like myself when I'm nice and cool.

With the bottle in hand, I turn to go back to my room and give sleep another try. I make it out into the hallway, but...

Shuu is laying on the floor, propped up against one floral-wallpapered wall.

Instantly, I flush. I'm in nothing but a silky pajama shirt and tiny shorts. I wasn't expecting anyone to see me, but out of all of the people who could have, Shuu is the worst option I can think of. On instinct, I cross my arms in front of my chest.

"Umm... excuse me!" I squeak, then try to walk past him quickly.

Shuu doesn't let me get far.

"Wait," he orders. I freeze. "Don't you know you're bothering people at this time of the day? You should be in bed."

"I'm sorry. I just wanted some water, so I'll be going back to my room now and staying there all day!" I try to reassure. Already, I'm making a nuisance of myself.

Shuu sighs.

"Not bad... Your attitude is at least pretty cute." He ends the sentence with a quiet little laugh.

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"I mean," Shuu continues, "that you're not too bad. I could be pretty into you. But with your sister around... What's her name? Yumi? You're twins, but you look so plain next to her. I wonder how that feels..."

I'm stunned. It kind of seems like Shuu is showing interest in me, which makes my heart pound, but he's also comparing me to my sister— and not in a good way.

"So... you think I'm c-cute?" It's stupid, but it's all that comes out of my mouth.

Shuu smirks. "Sure. I tend to like quiet girls, so you're not bad. Not bad looking, either. Get a better body, and maybe I'll be interested."

I can't tell if it's a joke or not. Either Shuu has picked up in my crush on him already, or he's just messing with me. Even with no idea which, the reading lilt in Shuu's voice is making me weak at the knees. For a moment, all I can do is try to find my words.

"W-Well, you don't need to go comparing me to Yumi. Whether you're interested or not, I'm not her. S-So... um..." I trail off lamely.

"Don't worry so much about it. I don't know yet if either of you are worth my time," Shuu says. "Go back to your room, now. I'm done talking and I want to sleep, so get out of the way."

That's a dismissal. Normally, I'd be offended, but I'm eager to escape this conversation.

However, Shuu calls out to me as I'm leaving—

"By the way... you look good without a bra."

My cheeks turn scarlet. I can hear the smirk in his voice. Still clutching my water bottle, I scurry back to my room in a hurry. This is way too embarrassing!

But even when I'm laying on my bed, far away from Shuu, my heart won't stop pounding. He was as rude as could be, but the teasing has my chest fluttering. There was something deliciously forbidden about being taunted like that, and... I liked it.

I bury myself in my blankets. Shuu probably likes Yumi better than me, but he did say that I was quiet. And quiet girls are good.

Sleep is something that has to happen. I can't just lie awake and replay the events of a few minutes ago over and over in my head. I need to get it together and get some rest.

I'm not drowsy, but when my head hits the pillow, all I have to do is close my eyes.

It's easier to fall asleep than keep thinking.

RED X BLUE (Oc x Shuu x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin