Chapter 2

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The limo ride was one thing. The creepy house? Livable. But the abso-fucking-lutely drop-dead gorgeous boy lounging on the couch?

Suddenly, I couldn't be happier to be here. 

I glance over. Sachiko is making a face that gives everything away. She's blushing up to her ears, and that intense stare she's giving him makes it all-too-clear to me that she's already got a massive crush. I can definitely see why. 

"Hi there!" I start, abandoning my luggage and moving to stand by the couch. "You know we were supposed to be here, right? The Himura girls? Well, whether you were expecting or not, we're here! Um... nice to meet you?"

The boy keeps his eyes closed for a long moment. Eventually, he sighs, pulls an earbud out of one ear, and cracks his eyes open. Just like I was sort of expecting, his eyes are a stunning sapphire blue. He's giving me a look like he's somewhere between irritated and half-asleep, but it's still giving me the shivers. 

"Yeah, I heard about you two," the boy says with a yawn. "The old man said something, but it's not like anyone's doing anything special. Go find Reiji if you want to get settled."

"Oh. Alrighty then." I smile with a bit of confusion, tilting my head. "Can we--"

Someone grabs my wrist.

"Heh, the new ones are here," another boy says, this one standing way too close. He's about my height, with blood-red hair and green eyes, and something about his smirk irritates me. "At least this one's got some tits on her."

"Excuse you?"

"You heard me. Hmm... you're not bad to look at, either." He smirks, wide enough that I can see his fangs. "I'll have fun turning you into my prey."

I'm just about to open my mouth and verbally rip this moron a new one, when I hear Sachiko squeak in fear from behind me. 

"Ah, p-please don't do that!" she yelps, swatting at the boy beside her, who smoothly dodges. This one is shorter than me, with purple hair and massive dark circles under his eyes. He's carrying a stuffed bear and leering creepily at my sister. Somehow, he looks like the red-haired one. Makes sense, considering that they're all siblings too.

"But you smell sweet. Doesn't she, Teddy?" he mumbles, addressing the bear. "Different, though. Perhaps we should have a taste and find out?"

"N-No! Please, no biting me! I'm n-not human, anyway, so I don't think I'd taste very g-good," Sachiko stutters, trying to take a step back and get away from the boy. Unfortunately, all she does is stumble right back into the arms of a new boy-- this one with auburn hair and the same green eyes as the one I'm currently dealing with. 

"Not human, hm? Then what is our little Bitch-chan?" This one leans in way too close, giving Sachiko's ear a little lick. I can all but see her shudder, her expression turning decidedly freaked-out-- somewhere between disgusted and scared. 

I try to tear my hand away from the redhead. I'm ready to go over there are deck the dick who licked my sister in the nose. Vampire or not, I know I can make it hurt. But unfortunately, the redhead keeps his grip, tugging me back against his chest when I try to move.

"Not so fast, Cow Tits. Yours Truly isn't done with you." He's still smirking, leering, and I'm quickly deciding that I'm going to deck this one next if he doesn't knock it off.

"What the fuck is all this noise?"

Another voice chimes in, this time from the other side of the room. A taller boy, with white hair and scarlet eyes, has appeared. he's scowling like crazy, glaring at everyone in the room like he shares my sentiment of wanting to punch some of them just to shut them up. 

"Stay out of it, Subaru! I get this one! Go fight those two over the short one if you want a taste!"

"Like hell, I want anything to do with this!"

From there, the room descends into arguing. The redhead behind me and the white-haired one, Subaru, seem to be doing most of it. The tiny one and the one who licked Sachiko are still standing by her-- the tiny one muttering to himself and the pervert watching the chaos in the room with a smirk. 

When I glance over, the gorgeous blonde is still on the couch. He's put his earbud back in and has closed his eyes again. It looks like he's actually trying to sleep through all of this. 

...doesn't sound like too bad of an idea.

Just as things are getting really heated up, a sixth voice chimes in.

"All of you, be quiet. You're behaving like children in front of our guests." This time, it's a boy with dark hair, crimson eyes, and glasses, dressed like a freaking butler, and eying everyone the room like they're a bunch of idiots. I can't say that I don't agree. 

"Shut up, Reiji!" The redhead shouts, but his grip on my wrist finally loosens. 

I take the chance to tear myself away from him and run over to Sachiko, forcing myself in between her and the pervert, glaring with an expression that I hope says that I'm ready to fight if he doesn't keep his hands to himself. 

"No, Ayato, I believe it's you who needs to keep his mouth shut," Reiji says, glaring coolly at the redhead-- Ayato, I'm guessing. "Now, before any of you get any ideas, these two are not human, and are not intended to be our prey. They're Oni and are going to be living with us while they attend school in the town nearby, as per Father's orders. Now, ladies, what are your names?"

Somehow, those couple of sentences make everyone in the room bristle. I could swear that the temperature drops a few degrees. 

"Yumi Himura," I say first, staring back at him with just as much chill. "And this is my twin, Sachiko. It's nice to meet you." After that mess, not really, but I'm not going to say that. 

"Ah, I see you have some manners." I get a small smirk. "My name is Reiji Sakamaki, and these are my brothers. The redhead is Ayato, the two who were so rudely invading your sister's space are Laito and Kanato, and the one over there," he looks at the white-haired one, "is Subaru."

"Wh-What about him...?" Sachiko chimes in nervously, pointing at the blonde. 

Reiji's expression immediately sours. 

"That good-for-nothing is Shuu, but you'd be wisest to avoid him, lest his lethargy rubs off on you." His tone is all kinds of bitter. I wonder if something's happened between them?

So now we've met all six of them. Reiji seems decent. Ayato and Laito make me want to scream. Kanato is a little creepy, but not bad... I hope. Subaru probably seems like the most normal of the bunch. And Shuu...

Well, I know already that I won't be listening to Reiji's little piece of "advice".

RED X BLUE (Oc x Shuu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now