"Why do they do this to us?"

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Maddie's POV:

"Maddie, you have a solo this weekend. I expect you to be your best, like always."

"Of course Maddie gets a solo! That's nothing new, huh? I suppose you're gonna give Mackenzie one also?!?"

"Why don't you ever give all of the girls the same attention you give Maddie and Mackenzie?!"

"Quit bashing my daughters! You're upsetting them!"

"This is why your daughters don't get treated like them! Because of YOU!"

I grabbed Mackenzie, who was crying hysterically, by the wrist and led her out of Studio A, my heart thumping and my face hot with anger. The yelling of the moms and Abby echoed throughout the Dancer's Den, which wasn't what Kenz needed, considering she was sobbing. I led her out of the den and into the lobby, where I walked straight through the front doors and into the parking lot. I pulled her in front of me and embraced her.

"Shhh, Kenz. It's ok. Don't listen to them." I soothed, stroking her hair back out of her face. I rested my chin on top of her head and closed my eyes while Kenz continued to cry into my shoulder.

I heard Kenz mumble something in my shoulder, but I couldn't hear her well. I gently pushed her back from my body and grabbed her by her shoulders.

"What'd you say, Boo?" I asked her quietly, treating her like a newborn baby that just finished having a panic attack.

"Why do they do this to us? We haven't done anything to them or the girls, yet we're treated like crap!" Kenzie told me while continuing to sob."I don't like getting yelled at, Maddie. What did we do to deserve this?"

I could feel my heart being ripped out of my chest when Kenzie said that. I hated seeing her cry, especially when she's crying because of the moms and the girls.

"It's not our fault, Kenz. It's not our fault."
Hey guys! Welcome to my new story "It's Not Our Fault"! I'm sooo excited for this one! I think it's going to be awesome! The first chapter will be posted on February 1st! Plus I should have a cover for it by then. But right now, it sucks. Whatevs. Also here are the ages!!:

Maddie: 15

Mackenzie: 12

Chloe: 16

Paige: 16

Nia: 16

Kendall: 14

Brooke isn't in this story, sorry guys! I felt no need for her to be in it.

Also, please vote and comment on "Mom, It'll Never Be The Same" for an update on it!

I hope you liked this!😘

It's Not Our Fault: A Maddie Ziegler and Mackenzie Ziegler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now