Chapter 11: "This Meant Everything To Me!"

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Mackenzie's POV:

I gave Maddie a smile as she lyrically walked on stage with sadness laced through her body. She knelt in her beginning pose and waited for the piano intro of her song to play. When the soft music filled the large auditorium, she did a toe rise and a calypso, launching into the dance.

"God, she's horrible. I'm gonna have to flush my eyes with bleach." Someone said behind me. I turned around sharply to see Chloe standing a couple of feet behind me with a disgusted look on her face.

I got up slowly and went over to her, anger coursing through my body. She looked down at me with a smirk.

"Well, it's true. Ugly too. But then again, she gave you her ugly and grotesque body. Maybe you guys should get plastic surgery. You desperately need it." Chloe said nonchalantly. My mouth dropped open with surprise and hurt.

This is not okay.

"Shut up, Chloe! Listen, Maddie is more gorgeous now than you will ever be in your entire life! She's an amazing dancer and better than you will ever be! So, you need to shut your mouth and go away!" I yelled. I was panting from the amount of emotion I had in my rant and my ragged breathing was the only thing I could hear at the moment. It felt good to stand up to her.

Chloe seemed unfazed at my words and looked past my small body to the stage. She grinned and then began to laugh. "Oh yeah, she's a great dancer! She just fell on her butt!" She said mockingly.

I turned back around to the stage to find what Chloe had said was true. Maddie was on the ground with a shocked expression on her face. She continued dancing, but when she got up to do a complicated turn section, she just stopped. She stood on the stage, frozen with fear as the spotlight shone on her motionless figure. After a minute, she slid to the ground in an ending pose.

She had just forgotten the rest of her solo!

Maddie stood up and ran offstage, crying as she ran past Chloe and I.
Chloe began to laugh as I shot her a glare before hurrying off down the hallway after Maddie.

I saw her turn a corner and when I shot around it, I saw her go through a door. I went through it and found it to be a janitors closet. Maddie sat on a bucket and sobbed with distress. I sat down on another bucket near her and pulled her into my body.

"Maddie, shh, it's okay." I whispered, running my hand through her hair, which she had done so many times to me when I was upset. It calmed me, so I did the same to her.

She pulled back and I saw her stage makeup ruined from her tears and running down her face. She gasped for air and attempted to talk, but with no success.

When Maddie had finally stopped hysterically crying, she sniffed and looked at me.

"This meant everything to me! I was supposed to prove everyone wrong! That I'm not a terrible dancer! Now, Abby's going to rip my head off and Chloe, Paige, and Kendall are going to laugh at me! I can't do this anymore, Kenz!" She cried, tears flowing down her face once again.

I finally realized that my sister couldn't be strong for me anymore. Or herself. The pressure had gotten to her and finally, it cracked her and she was quickly slipping away from herself.

"I can't be strong anymore." She whispered.

My heart broke when I heard the sadness in her statement. I was beginning to worry, because if Maddie can't stay strong anymore.....

What will she do to get rid of the pain?
Omg this chapter is soooo emotional! 😭😭

But congrats on the early update!
I'm gonna have to set higher goals for you guys!

I finally found what i wanted to do with this story and I have everything planned out!!

So if you want an early update, you'll have to get 10 votes and 5 comments on this chapter! Otherwise, you'll have to wait until Monday!

Also, if you comment once, please don't comment over and over again just for the update. if you have a legit question or something along with telling me how you feel, then that's fine. but don't do it just for the update! Please? 😘😘

Alright, ily guys so so so so sooooo much! 😘😘😘

It's Not Our Fault: A Maddie Ziegler and Mackenzie Ziegler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now