Chapter 9: "Ready For Comp, Kenz?"

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Mackenzie's POV:

I grabbed a pair of tights from my drawer and stuffed them into my suitcase, closing it with a final zip. I sat back and sighed with satisfaction.

Ready for competition, I guess.

I stood up and set my suitcase upright. I grabbed the handle and pulled it out, which made a nice popping sound. I walked out of my room and down the steps, lugging my designer suitcase behind me. I jumped the last step and put my suitcase by the front door before entering the kitchen, where I found Mom and Maddie.

"Morning, Kenzie." Mom chirped happily. I groaned in response and sat down at the bar with Maddie, who was shoving forkfuls of pancakes, eggs, and bacon into her mouth.

"Woah, slow down there sparky, you're gonna choke." I teased as I waited for my breakfast. Maddie gave me a side glare before continuing to eat, but at a slower pace than before.

Mom set my plate of food in front of me, along with a glass of water. I thanked her before beginning to shovel food into my mouth.

"Ready for comp, Kenz?" Maddie asked when mom left the kitchen, while washing her plate of food remnants.

I sighed. "I guess. I don't really know."

Maddie gave me a quizzical look. "How can you not know if you're ready? You either know the solo or you don't. It's not hard."

"Maddie, you know what I mean. I know the solo like the back of my hand. I'm just afraid I'll have an anxiety attack on stage. From nerves or being called names by the other girls and moms." I admitted.

Maddie finished washing her plate and put it in the drain rack before coming over to me and giving me a side armed hug. "You've got this, Kenzie Boo. I'll be sure they don't do a thing."

I smiled. "You're the best sister ever, you know that?"

"I'd like to think that."
"Girls, remember. We are professionals. I don't want to see tears or fighting when we walk through those doors, understand?"
Abby yelled as the bus pulled to a stop in front of the competition venue. Everyone nodded in agreement, too afraid to speak out to Abby about how ridiculous she was being.

The bus doors opened and we all piled out and onto the solid concrete sidewalk with relief. The bus ride to the competition had been bumpy and rough, shaking everyone up all the way there.

Abby lead the way into the competition, where dancers were all around the front lobby. Most were stretching for their dances, but there were a few stragglers eating a snack or playing on their phone before getting to work.

Abby walked down a hallway and stopped at a door that had pink paper with the words "ALDC" in bold, black lettering on the front.
She opened the door and we all clamored inside to start working on makeup and hair for our dances.

I plopped down in front of a mirror and Mom popped up to start brushing my hair for my solo. She pulled my hair into a French twist and secured it with hair gel and hair spray. As soon as she finished, I began to apply my stage makeup necessary to make my face pop on stage.

Once I finished my makeup, I grabbed my solo costume and headed behind a curtain hanging from the ceiling so I could change into it. I slipped into the one piece nude costume, which consisted of a hole in the side and was shimmery from top to bottom with a nude shimmery lace sleeve for my right arm and nude booty shorts with shimmer.

I unveiled myself from the curtain and smiled at my family as I made my way over to them.

"You look gorgeous, Kenz!" Mom exclaimed. Maddie nodded in agreement and smiled.

"She's not lying. You look beautiful." Maddie told me when
Mom left us to go talk to Abby.

I grinned. "Thanks, Madz. You look beautiful too."

I meant it. Maddie's solo costume was a one piece with a ruffle down the middle and had glitter on it and was a nice gray color. Her hair was in a low ballet bun, which was simple. And her makeup and the gray color of her costume really made her gorgeous blue eyes pop.

"Thanks." Maddie replied.

"Alright girls! Maddie, Mackenzie, and Kendall, head backstage for your solos!" Abby yelled out.

The three of us hurried out of the dressing room and ran down the hallway towards the backstage door. We entered quietly and stripped off our ALDC jackets before each briefly running over our solos.

"Up next, in the junior solo category, we have entry number 156, Danielle, with 'I'm hurting.'"

I was entry 157, which meant after this girl, it was my turn to compete. As the solo music for Danielle began to play, I walked to the wings and watched her dance.

She looked flawless as she did a toe rise off of the ground and sashayed and ran into a Russian switch leap. When she landed, she did a fan kick and prepped for a calypso, which was also stunning.

I felt my breath catch in my throat as I nervously watched her dance. She was defiantly my biggest competition.

"Hey Kenz," Maddie said from behind me,"you've got this in the bag. You're going to look amazing and don't let anyone tell you different."

I turned around and hugged Maddie. "Thank you." I whispered in her ear.

I reluctantly let go of my sister as I heard Danielle's solo music begin to fade. I turned back around and watched her walk off on the opposite side of the stage and into the wings.

"Up next, in the junior solo category, we have entry number 157, Mackenzie, with 'See Through'"

I took a deep breath and plastered a sad expression on my face and waltzed onto the stage and entered my beginning position.
Hey guys! Sorry for taking a long break. I've just been really busy lately with dance and school and just haven't had the time to update!

Mackenzie's solo costume on the side. and her music is going to be in the next chapter! It's called "See Through" by Pentatonix, which is an amazing acapella group! If you haven't heard of them, check them out!

Love you guys! 😘😘

It's Not Our Fault: A Maddie Ziegler and Mackenzie Ziegler FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now