Ch5-Bold Move(s)

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Marilyn Amore

"Why're you so hardheaded?" I hear from above my shaded seat.

Dina and I were currently laying on the pool deck with a large shade covering our bodies. The sun in Mexico was truly unruly, and neither of us dared to risk it.

I grab the sunglasses resting on my eyes and peek over them to find Devontae with his arms crossed. Large and in charge as per usual.

"Excuse me." I say, nonchalantly putting my glasses back on. "You're blocking my view of sexy Mexican men." I shoo him away with my hand.

"I'm a sexy Mexican man too, you can stare at me instead."

He finds a chair from somewhere nearby and sets it right in front of me, so now I really can't see beyond his broad shoulders and big head.

"You're a very difficult man."

"And you're a very stubborn woman." He retorts.

"A match made in heaven!" Dina adds in.

I turn to her and flip her off, and she begins to cackle maniacally.

"More like hell." Q says walking up with a tray of drinks.

This time, Devontae turns to send him the bird.

"So, what did you two gorgeous girls do without us?" Q asks while taking a sip of his bourbon.

"Laid here and rejoiced because of your absence." I say giving him a smile.

"Oh honey, you can't live without me." He pouts.

"You're so soft for them." Devontae mumbles.

"They just bring out that side of me D." Q says while grabbing at his heart.

"Yeah, you're going to be softer for Amore one day!" Dina chirps.

"More like harder." I say.

Everyone goes silent until I turn to Dina and we burst into laughter.

"BITCH!" She screams and nearly falls on the floor. "YOU DID NOT!"

I wipe a tear from my eye, and quickly compose myself as I face the two men.

The difference in their facial expressions sends me into another fit of giggles and I nearly pass out at the lack of oxygen I'm receiving.

"That's wasn't funny Amore." Q frowns deeply.

I compose myself for the second time before reaching to pat his knee.

"It was a little funny Q." I say making a hand gesture to show how funny it was.

"Yeah Q, it was a little funny." Dina adds while making the same gesture.

I look over at Devontae who is now leaning back in his chair with his legs extended. One tattooed arm lays lazily between his spread legs, while the other brings his drink to his plump lips. His eyes are trained on me, and I see the same glint of mischief I saw the first time we met. A smirk graces his chiseled features and I notice his hair shake at the vibrations his body is conducting from his silent unnoticeable laughter.

I just opened a can of worms, no doubt. Possibly even a can of snakes.

It was now almost 10pm, but lucky for us, the night life in Mexico was a riot.

"I hope I didn't leave my silver pumps!" I yelp out loud.

Dina and I were scurrying to finish getting ready because the boys would be here any minute to pick us up for the club.

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