Ryunosuke Akutagawa

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Character death!

Ryunosuke pov (still in the past)

I stood in the dark alley way my sisters crying behind me. I stared at the hidden figure in the shadows. A tall looking man with a black coats that covered up the rest of the features. Though the moment something candle from the back of the jacket I knew at once. It was me!

I sit up terrified from the dream unconsciously allowing Rashomon to exit the jacket and lash out at the closest things to it. 

A scream

A cry


Kiken had moved a way at the perfect second. Though the black haired girl had gotten a scar on her forehead she was unharmed for the most part. That wasn't to be said about Miyuna. She was bloody barely breathing and the once wonderfully clear silky white hair was drowned out in her own blood. It seemed Rashomon realized what it had done and immediately retracted and went away. I scream in fear and anger at what I had allowed Rashomon to do. I yank the jacket off me throwing it roughly to the ground, accidentally throwing it on top of Gin who had woken up from the girls screams. Kiken stared petrified at her twin sister. The world knew all to well that losing a twin was maybe the worst type of pain someone could experience. Miyuna's eyes were becoming more and more lifeless by the second. 

"W-wait! Miyuna! Breath! D-don't leave us! I-I didn't mean to I lost control! I!" I scream trying to stop the bleeding. It was a hopeless cause the blood was coming from way to many places on her body. Her arms legs and cheek were all pouring blood.

 Once Gin's Shock had washed off she tried to help with stop the bleeding. Her face was pale and her eyes were wet from new tears. Kiken just sat there her eyes not even watering. Still petrified looking at the growing lifelessness in her twins body. I scream some more, cry some more until a sharp scream came from Kiken. Both me and Gin shoot our heads to her direction. Kiken has her hands covering her ears and her eyes that were normally calm had begun to glow with a creepy bright blue color. She screamed and wailed. Shock had left her. At least that had been my guess.

"Bye bye" kiken whispered while crying. 

"No! She's not dead! I wo-" kiken stopped me.

"Say goodbye to her." She whispered. I stare at my younger sisters lifeless body not wanting to tell the child goodbye. I caused this. It was all my fault! I lost control and this stupid ability of mine! It killed my own family! I killed my little sister! 

(Present time)

Kiken pov

Where are you taking me Ryu? We pasted our apartment..." I say while my brother holds still running. 

"It's not save to stay there anymore. The person you met knows Dazai-San. The guy who has the bandages." My brother says while crossing a street, Gin close behind. 

"If that home isn't safe then where will we go?" I ask. There wasn't a response. I guess Ryu and Gin were too tired from running to answer my questions. 

Ryunosuke pov

It was a good question. Where the hell are we going?

Kiken Akutagawa(Akutagawa's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now