A month

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(this takes place a month later because lets be honest, when was the last time I updated this story?)

Dazai pov

"Dazai? what's wrong?" Atsushi asked me tapping my shoulder. I turn around and smile at him. 

"I can't find my favorite book." I say both lying and telling the truth. I didn't know where the book was but that wasn't what had been troubling me. After the whole incident that happened with the Akutagawa family they had seemed to disappear from existence, no one could find them and they were all reported dead many times. I personally didn't think they were dead at least Ryunosuke wasn't dead, he wasn't the type to get himself killed or just die off like that, he was a fighter and in all honestly so was Gin and Kiken-chan. I guess I was just clinging onto hope that they hadn't perished. 

"You've seemed sort of worried for the past month or so." Yosano chirped in poking her head around the corner of the room me and Atsushi were "working" in. Well he was working and I wasn't.

"It's nothing!" I say with a smile but slightly more forcefully than the first time. 

"If you say so." the two said at the same time before going back to their separate activates. I look over to my computer and stare at it blankly. I wanted to write a Lost notice form for the entirety of Yokohama. Ya know what that's what I'll do!

Kiken pov

"Wake up." i hear a distant voice whisper in my ear while they shook my body. I blink my eyes open and smile at the two faces looking at me. Rihoko Hiraki my new friend and my older sister, Gin. I wondered what Ryunosuke was doing, probably training with the other young adults in the small village/town that we were staying in. 

"Good morning sleepy head." smiled Gin helping me out of bed. Rihoko carried to me a pink shirt and some black overalls that ended in a skirt instead of pants. Rihoko's friend, Liz had been kind enough to make it for me from the supplies she had gotten from inner Yokohama. That's what this place in the woods called the city, since it was on the outskirts of it they referred to it as the outside of Yokohama and the inner area is where all the people live. 

"Thank you Rihoko-sama." I say happily taking the clothing and letting Gin help me out of my sleep nightgown and into my day clothing. As she was dressing me Gin began to explain something that made my heart leap with both joy and a little fright.

"We're going back tomorrow, we'll die our hair or at least me and Aniki(big brother) have to because we're the most criminalized of the three of us. We're not sure if the mafia will let us back in since we haven't been there but do you remember Dazai-san? he'll hopefully let us in, if not well move to a different place and start fresh." Gin said with a little excitement strung up in her voice but at the same time I heard a small hint of slight fear. I lean in and try to hug the fear right out of her.

"So what color are you guys dying your hair? I vote bright neon pink!" I say in a serious tone. Gin broke the hug and stared me in the face with a look of pure horror.

"in your dreams."

Kiken Akutagawa(Akutagawa's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now