Rihoko Hiraki

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Akutagawa pov

I'd say we'd been running for about two hours straight. My arms were killing me, Kiken somehow had fallen asleep. Gin was the one leading us into random trees. It took about another two minutes for us all to collapse in the middle of a woodland area. I had broken the fall for Kiken by raising her up a little as my own back crashed onto the ground. She still woke up though, rubbing her eyes and looking around.

"Where are we?" she asked staring at the trees that surrounded us. Gin stared as well.

"Dunno. Some forest. I just went running and running. I didn't have any location in mind." Gin said while walking slowly over to us. I noticed that her normal high ponytail had come undone and now her overly long black locks of hair hung loose at her shoulders. 

"Well what now? Ryunosuke, your the oldest one. what should we-" Gin stopped talking since a branch had cracked behind all three of us. I turn my head in the direction of the cracked branch. So do the other two. A few seconds later a girl around the age of 14 stepped out of the trees. Her hair was a dark green color and her eyes seemed to match that of the bark on trees. Her pale colored clothing was tattered and the girls skin was covered in light dustings of mud. 

"Who are you?" I ask. She didn't respond but asked the same question back towards us.

"Why should we tell you." I say harshly. The girl smiles a little before coming a little closer to the three of us. Gin backs up into me and Kiken. I watch from the corner of my eye as Gin goes to her pocket taking out one of her assassin knives. 

"Don't bother. I'll either dodge it or catch the knife." the strange girl said looking at Gin. 

"really now?" Gin asked while throwing the knife straight at the girls head. The weird girl did as she had just said and caught the knife with two fingers before throwing it into the ground. 

"My name is Rihoko Hiraki. I live in this forest with my family. You all seem lost, and my oh my, that little girl you've got there seems to be very hungry and tired. She needs proper rest." Hiraki said a worried expression crossing her face. I hold Kiken closer to my chest. I don't trust this girl. She's just some random person who's probably going to lead us into a-

"I've got food for all of you as well. You can meet the others, I promise I'm not here to harm you. More curious to why you've stumbled upon this forest." Hiraki said turning around probably expecting us to follow and honestly I saw no other option. I sure didn't feel like fending in the wild by ourselves in a place we've never been too and food sounded nice. I get up picking Kiken up along with me. Gin stood as well beginning to walk alongside me and the girl named Hiraki. 

Kiken Akutagawa(Akutagawa's little sister)Where stories live. Discover now