I Promise

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Author's note: This chapter explores Amity and Lilith's dynamic as Amity grapples with her feelings surrounding the bullying and abuse she has endured.

This chapter has mentions of abuse and injury as well as minor swearing. Reader discretion is advised.

P.S. this story is set after the events of chapter 18 of "Here to Help" but can be read on its own! Enjoy!


"Whats wrong with me?" Amity grumbled in tired exasperation as she leaned further into the pillows behind her back.

"Dr. Tabius said the fractures in your ribs..." Lilith began, hoping to ease the girl's mind by explaining her healing wasn't set back too far by her run-in with Boscha.

"No..." Amity sighed, half-heartedly chuckling through a bout of frustration. "I mean, whats wrong with me? What about me makes people hate me... makes them want... want to hurt me? I know I'm not perfect and I could probably try harder to be but... what about me is so bad that... that makes any of this okay? I just don't understand..."

"Amity..." Lilith whispered as a look of sorrow and frustration grew on her brow as she slowly reached to take the injured girl's scarred hand. "Honey, there's nothing wrong with you..."

"Then why don't my parent's love me? Why does Boscha hate me? Why did I deserve this? I know I shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself but... argh..." the green haired girl winced as a pain shot through her side, causing her to double over and the tears that had been forming in the corner of her eyes to fall.

"Amity..." Lilith sighed through a bout of worry as she gently place a soft, comforting hand on the younger witch's shoulder. "Should I fetch the doctor?"

"No..." Amity muttered through gritted teeth as she leaned back in her bed once more, trying to relax despite the pain - the pain her parents and former friend had inflicted on her through their vile actions. "I'll be okay..." the injured witch sighed as she brought a hand up to wipe her eyes, the other clutching her ribs as if the action could some how end her suffering. "I'm sorry, Lilith. I know this isn'r very becoming of me. I'll do better. I promise..." she whispered meekly as she squeezed her eyes shut, brows furrowing in sorrow and fear as a wave of memories of failed expectations and her parent's anger violently washed across her mind, wishing the conversation she started would stop.

"Sweetheart," Lilith began, trying her best to swallow back to the lump of sadness that had caught in her throat. "Can I hold your hand?" the blue haired witch asked gently before being met with a weak whimper and a nod. Taking Amity's hand in her own, Lilith sighed as she gently ran a thumb over a scar inflicted by the girl's parents that ran from Amity's palm to the top of her hand. Seeing the girl's ears fall down at the touch, Lilith felt her heart clench. "Amity, I want to tell you something, okay?"

Seeing the small girl nod as she closed her eyes tighter, Lilith sighed hoping her words could offer even a small amount of comfort to cut through the anguish ravaging the girl's mind. "What you've been through, what you've suffered... nobody deserves that... to be hurt physically or emotionally... you did not deserve that."

"But I..." Amity sniffled as a surge of anger and sadness tore through her heart.

"My love..." Lilith murmured as she offered  Amity's hand a gentle squeeze. "Please, no 'buts', okay? I never want to make you feel unheard or invalidate your feelings however, I need you to understand that nothing you did... nothing you are... could ever do could justify what's been done to you. You don't need to be perfect, Amity, you don't need to be anything or anyone but you. You deserve care. You deserve kindness. You deserve love and absolutely nothing less."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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