7 ~Once In a Lifetime~

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"How would you feel if I offered her a job with us?"

Ethan's POV:

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I wanted to scream happily and celebrate, but I couldn't. It wasn't that it was a bad thing, it was just that with everyone we've ever met together he's never said anything about this before. Then again, everyone else we've met wasn't exactly as mobile as she is. "I don't know Mark." I said to him. "She's technically still a stranger and I don't think it's the best idea to just start inviting people to work with us."

His face brightened slightly. "That's the thing," Mark celebrated quietly for Y/n to not hear as she was only a few feet in front of us. "She won't exactly be a stranger if we get to know her! That and look at her, she's pretty much harmless."

Guessing from how he said that, he didn't actually notice me staring at her for most of the day, which was in fact a good thing. With how he is, I knew he wasn't going to back down from this. "Ok ok," I agreed. "We still have to talk with her about it and since we are still in h/t, we'll have to talk to her parents about everything."

Mark went pale and almost dropped his jaw. "What are you talking about? Didn't you hear what Dr. Lee told us?" I shrugged my arms. "Not really. I kinda blanked out halfway through-" "Dude," Mark cut me off and got a little closer. "Her parents are gone."


Y/n POV:

As we were all making our way back inside, there was a tense aura around the two boys. I couldn't tell what was wrong with then. Every now and again after the hug they would ask me if I needed anything. Ethan was especially nice to me and in all honestly it was a really funny feeling. Not anything good or bad, but definitely somewhere in between.

Arriving at my room, it was getting later and later. I really didn't want this day to end any quicker than it had to. On our way up, I kept trying to make excuses for them to stay longer like lunch in the cafeteria, giving a tour of my wing, having them meet Nora. Nothing was slowing down time.

I was about to give up when Mark sat down on one of my room chairs and spoke up. "Are you ready to hear that question we wanted to ask you?" Nodding vigorously, he took that as his cue to continue. Mark leaned forward in his chair before starting again. "Ethan and I have been talking about it almost all day without you knowing and we both agreed."

He looked at Ethan for just a moment to most likely give him his turn. Taking it, Ethan voiced the one thing I've always dreamed about but never imagined hearing. "If you would be alright with it, we would like to take you home with us after your stay at the hospital is up. Mark wants to offer you a job and I'd like to give you someplace to call your own for a while. We want to help you get back on your feet and give you something to look forward to."

Ethan stood up and walked over to me. "You said we saved you once. Y/n, please say yes so we may do it again." I stared at them in shock. I couldn't believe my ears. My idols literally asking me to come live with them. I almost pinched myself, but was stopped by Mark's hand holding my robotic one.

"Listen," Mark uttered softly, "we understand if you need time to think about this, but promise us you'll consider. We want to help you in whatever way we can."

"But you just met me..." I couldn't help myself. Someone had to put words to what we were all thinking. Yet, they were taken aback from this. The two looked lost in thought as if trying to come up with something and as the moments went by...I realized why they were doing this. All of it was just a show of pity. I didn't want pity, I wanted someone to be there for me no matter what. No one was around to give it to me.

"We know that Y/n." Ethan shook my shoulders slightly, breaking me from my thoughts. "Even so, we want to take you home. After everything you've been through, I'm pretty sure you deserve it. "

Tears flowed from my eyes, trying to stop them was a useless task. Mark was the first to move this time and held me tightly in his arms. Despite the fact that I could barely breathe from both his hold and my crying, it was the best I felt since that dreadful day.

Ethan came up next and completed the group hug once more. I felt warm and loved again. Really and truly loved. Not the sort of fake love you would get from the doctors and nurses, not counting Lee and Nora of course, but something almost like....family.

What felt like a lifetime later, the heartfelt embrace was released. "Are you absolutely positive about this?" I questioned the boys. Mark spoke up, voice cracking slightly from our moment before. "Y/n, if we weren't sure about it, we wouldn't have asked. It would be amazing to have you stay with us."

Looking at the duo before me, I smiled and nodded. "Well then, you guys will have to get my number so I can let you know when I'm being released." The pair lit up and smiled brightly. We all shared numbers, Mark told me what my job would entail which was mostly editing and Ethan promised to show me his home first thing after I got out so I could move in.

Please tell me I'm not dreaming...

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