4 ~Happiness, With a Small Price~

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Nora had taken me back to my room after our time outside and I genuinely started to feel better. She still has such a happy vibe around her that even Lee can't help but smile. Even when she does happen to be yelling at him.

After some internal fight, I decided I'd try to get more sleep. Last night wasn't exactly the most comfortable and I needed to waste sometime anyway. Lee was supposed to have been back in my room in a few hours to check up on me, so he'll just be my alarm clock.

Once all my regular tossing and turning was over and I was finally comfortable, the warm release of sleep was upon me...


I was back in my home once more. The smell of sugar cookies in the air. Mom sure did like baking a lot didn't she?  Christmas was right around the corner and dad was setting up our tree. He promised me I'd get to put the star on the top this year. It was always his job, but I guess he decided it was time to pass down the tradition even though I was seven years old.

After the tree was up, I stole a cookie from the cooled tray and got to work. We all helped putting on the lights, tinsel, decorations, and finally it was time for the star. Dad picked me up, placed me on his shoulders and I carefully put the star on top.

"It looks beautiful," my mom almost whispered to herself. She looked like she was about to cry. Dad went over to her and put his arm around her, his other hand on my leg. We all just sat there in silence for a bit, appreciating each other, the lights, and our love.


I awoke to Lee coming in the door. He looked like he was about to explode with excitement. I wondered what he was so happy about. Thankfully my wondering didn't last too long since he came over to my bed, sat down and took a breathe before saying, "It's done."

"What do you mean it's done? Lee what are you talking about? Did you get enough sleep last night?" I was trying to joke around with him a bit but I was genuinely concerned about his mental health. Especially after dealing with me for almost a month.

Lee chuckled and stood up, "No I got plenty of sleep, even with you calling me in. No, I talked to Make a Wish last night since I couldn't hold it in before I went to sleep. When I came in, I noticed I had some email on my computer. I went through it and they already responded. You are going to meet them Y/n!"

I stared at him then. Jaw dropped, eyes wide, the whole nine yards. I didn't know whether or not to believe it. It was actually happening. I felt tears fall down my cheeks that weren't there before. As I wiped them away Lee got closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "There is some more good news if you'd care to listen." I nodded and he continued, "That prosthetic you refused, was actually very bad for your mental health. It didn't really do anything and was more of a burden than anything. Make a Wish however did one more good thing. They decided to fund the research section of the hospital and they've made a huge breakthrough on our prosthetics. They want you to be the first one to try it."

I didn't know what to say. Finding out my one choice was finally right, my wish was coming true, and I could possibly have an arm again. It almost felt as if everything was going to be able to go back to normal...almost.

"Thank you Lee," I said grateful. "I'll still have to think about it, go through more surgeries, and rehab. I'll have to tell you when I'm ready." "Ok, that's completely fine. They do want an answer by the end of the week so just keep me updated on your thought process. I'll be here if you need me." His smile was like my father's. Welcoming and warm, but can turn on you in a split second to fight someone who was mean to his family. It was comforting to look at.

Nodding at his statement, he left without another word. I was left with my thoughts. I knew that I didn't need another arm, but it would've helped me get accustomed to my new situation.

Going through all the different surgeries and getting used to what ever prosthetic they have in store. It would take a while to get used to, but I was desperate at this point. I needed some sort of normal in my life. This might've been the turning point where everything gets better.

Breaking me out of my thoughts, yet again, was a buzz from my phone. Thankfully I had it on my bed today so I didn't have to strain this time. What I didn't expect seeing, was an actual message. From Lee.

Hey, by the way, Make a Wish wanted to know your number to give you updates. I hope you don't mind that I gave them it.

Well, at least I'll have someone else to talk to while I'm stuck here.

Yeah that's fine actually. While I have you, let the team know I'm in. Let's try this new prosthetic.


Author's note

Salutations everyone! I hope you are enjoying this story so far! I'm sorry this one is taking so long to update, but I promise I have big plans for it! I also wanted to say that with Y/n having her are amputated, everyone deals with the loss differently. Some people don't want to get a prosthetic and others can't live without it. I have nothing against the people to don't want it, but this is just how I'm having the story play out. I don't want anyone to be offended by what I do, and if you are I'm extremely sorry. If you have any suggestions or advice or just something to say, please put them down in the comments. Til next time!


Shooting Stars ( Crankgameplays x reader )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora