Oneshot number 6!

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 "Train rides are boring", whined Clover as the aforementioned train passed through a magnificent mountain and through a waterfall. Tailor on the other hand, thought the landscape was fascinating. They were still getting used to living on Earth and the wonders there never ceased to amaze them.

Tailor's third companion, Vye, smiled at the look on their face, which was lit up in childlike joy. Eventually, they made it to their destination, which was at a small clearing in a grove of trees. In the clearing was a big, beautiful tree of many colors and branches.

All three of them stepped out of the train in varying levels of grace and waved farewell to the conductor. Tailor was the first to reach the tree. They knelt at the roots and placed a hand worryingly on the base.

There, almost unnoticeably, was a spot of rot in the bark. It looked severely out of place, a black hole amidst the colors. Vye crouched next to the alien and frowned. "It's gotten worse", She whispered.

As if on cue, the spot grew in size by an inch., startling them. Clover dropped from the branches, back from searching for any other spots.

"Any other spots?" Tailor asked. Clover nodded gravely. "Yeah, there's one other one, near-BATMAN!" She shrieked, confusing the other two.

"Wha-what?" Vye questioned, furrowing her eyebrows. Clover pointed behind them and they turned around. Behind them was a portal and stepping out of it was. . . Batman?

"RUN!" Tailor shouted and the three of them took off. Vye repeatedly rang the bell that summoned the train as Batman drew closer. The train appeared and the conductor poked his head out of the door.

"Jeez, calm down- WHAT THE HECK, IS THAT BATMAN?" He screeched. "YEAH!" Clover yelled, "Open the door!" The conductor obeyed, throwing the door open and then shutting it when they all got through.

Our main characters caught their breath. "What-Weez- was-Weez- that?" Clover asked. "I don't know", Vye said, "But it can't be good.

                                                  THE END

Hi, I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. You would not believe how hard it is for me to find good writing prompts. Also, I'm shocked I've not mentioned this, although it's probably pretty obvious, you're welcome to suggest prompts.

ORIGINAL PROMPT: Write a short story that includes the words 'train, tree and Batman'.

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