2) A Performance Preparation

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"Nezu I'm afraid I don't understand, you want me to what?" Y/n was in Principal Nezu's office, currently confused by his request.

"Well Miss Y/n, with your magic it'll be very easy to oversee the festival and that," he paused for a moment, "Patronus was it? Was very entertaining and the crowd wouldn't have seen anything like it. So I was hoping that before the final round you could put on a performance?"

Y/n hesitated to respond, 'I came here to help out.... not put on shows with my magic for muggles....... but the Principal himself is asking me, and plus .........I don't want him to be disappointed.... '

"Ok Nezu, I'll do it....." She looked unsure of her decision.

But Nezu just beamed, "Oh wonderful Miss Y/n, the crowd will marvel at your displays. I must admit I'm looking forward to it."

Y/n left his office rather worried.
'Now I have less than 3 days to come up with a performance that has to wow the crowd.......'

On the same day after school Y/n went off to Class 1-A for advice. Although she gave a vague reason as to why she needed it.

"So Uraraka, Midoriya, what sort of things entertain you as a performance perhaps?."

Midoriya was puzzled, "A performance? Like a magic show?"

"No no, but more like a festival I think you call it?"

Uraraka answered this time, "Oh like in a summer festival, well one of my favorite parts are the fireworks!"

"Fireworks...." Y/n thought about it for a moment.... 'fireworks of course!!'

"Thank you both for your help!!" She abruptly left

"Uhhm your welcome?" They both said

Y/n bolted home, since she can apparate but isn't licensed to yet (her mother was working on that), she had to run home.

When she stopped at a small lovely looking house, Y/n went inside.

Looks can be deceiving for inside was really a much larger and more fitting for her family, interior.

"Mum, dad, I'm home" She called out

Her mom came out from the kitchen, "Oh welcome home Y/n, I just finished making dinner. Your father had to do some more hours at work."

"Oh well, I wanted to ask you if I could go to Diagon Alley, and If I could get 10 galleons?"

"Whatever for?"

"Something I need to get for a performance that Principal Nezu asked me to do in the Sports Festival......"

M/n went silent for a moment, then she gasped, "I'm absolutely gobsmacked! It's incredible!! When will you be back?" She got out her purse and took out 10 galleons.

"By tonight, it's only one thing." Y/n took the money any took out some of her own stock of galleons.

When she changed into some casual clothes
her owl, Winter flew in the window to greet her. Due to it being a very modern era, she couldn't really be seen with her owl, as the muggles would most definitely question her.

"Oh hello Winter," she stroked her feathers, "I'm sorry I can't stay, I need to buy something at Diagon Alley... but I'll be back soon."

She went the fireplace and took a handful of Floo Powder.

"Be safe dear!"

"I will mum"

Y/n faced forward and shouted clearly,
"Diagon Alley!!!"

As soon as she dropped the Floo Powder she was engulfed in green flames. Eyes shut, and elbows in, she stood still, until she was in Diagon Alley...

(A/N: The regular text is English now since she's in England)

"I have missed this place......" Y/n's eyes scanned over the shops that have been there for centuries.

"Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment, Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop....... and there! Weasley's Wizard Wheezes... Still popular as ever I see...."

As Y/n entered the shop it still had the magical old charm to it with a modern twist. She browsed through the aisles of different pranks, creams, potions, and Pigmy Puffs, which some girls were gushing over.

"Aha! Found it!" She held a box of Weasleys' Wildfire Whizz-Bangs.

Of course because it's been almost 2 centuries since the shop first opened there are more varieties of colors and shapes the fireworks could take on now.

Y/n went up to the cashier and said, "The Deflagration Deluxe box of Whizz-Bangs please."

"Alright 20 galleons please..."

She handed them the money left the store, by the time she got back her father was home.

(A/N: Back to the same text system for Japanese and English)

"How was your trip Y/n?" He asked, Y/n had the same H/c hair as her father

"Well, I assume mum told you about the performance, so I just needed to get something for that. I'm sure you'll both be pleasantly surprised."

Y/n spent the rest of the day coming up with an idea on how to incorporate her Patronus in the performance, as well as what else to do.

"Should I use Winter? I could just play it off as her being on loan from a bird shelter or something...... yeah I'll do that.."

(A/N: Ok so short chapter but I want to include some more Wizarding stuff that I spent time researching, BUUTTT The Sports Festival will start in the next chapter. Thank you readers!!! 🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️)

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