1) A Teacher's Assistant?

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Story Chapter Word Count: 1,510 Words

Right now, Y/n was waiting outside the door of Class 1-A. Her cue to come in would be after Aizawa explained that the Sports Festival would be held soon.

Her parents and Principal Nezu had an agreement, she would be a teacher's assistant/lowkey bodyguard, because of the attack inflicted on them. She had her provisional license, so she would be allowed to use her 'quirk'. She was paid a salary each week, which was more than enough for whatever expenses she had.

"Class, due to the attack on the USJ, Principal Nezu has assigned someone to assist me and help look after you guys."

Bakugo scoffed

Aizawa sighed, "Come in......"

The door slid open and a girl stepped inside. She had H/c hair, E/c eyes, and was fairly tall. She wore a grey robe with a hood, that had a yellow clasp with a red G on it. She wore a red and yellow patterned headband, underneath you could see a red dress peaking out. Her shoes were light grey with red and yellow laces. An intricate carved piece of wood peaked out of the robe pockets.

"Hello! I'm Y/n L/n! I hope we all get along!!" She spoke

'Woah.... '

"You have the rest of the period to ask her questions, and don't yell..." Aizawa retreated back into his sleeping bag.

Y/n turned back to face the class,
"Uhm how about we raise our hands gently, and if I call on you, say your name and ask away?!...." she suggested.

Multiple hands went up

"Ahh, you with the pink hair, go on"

"Mina Ashido!! How old are you?" She questioned rather enthusiastically.

"Ummm I'm 18 years old, and I'll be 19 on B/d." she looked around, "Oh Uh you with the pink cheeks?"

"Umm hi I'm Ochaco Uraraka, and are you training to be a hero?"

Y/n spoke, "Umm if I am then I'm not aware of it. I was told to just help the teachers and look after you all. I'm not too sure if I want to be a hero right now."

She surveyed the class again,
"Ok how about you with the lightning bolt? in your hair."

"Denki Kaminari! Are you from Japan?"
He had a little sparkle in his eye.

"Ahh you caught me, no... I'm not, I'm from England, Richmond England to be exact, it's close to London." Her accent was thick through her words.

'That was so cool/cute!...' The class marveled at her perfect English, and not to mention accent.

"Ok let's move on, uhhh you with the unruly green hair?"

"Izuku Midoriya!! What's your quirk?!"

"Ah, well I think it's best if I give you a demonstration at your.....Hero Basics class, if that's alright with you all?"

Lunch was awkward, albeit Y/n just met the students. She ended up eating with the teachers this time. After finishing her food, she shifted into her cat form, and went into Aizawa's lap. (He has a soft spot for your cat form.)

Aizawa entered the gym where Class 1-A was ready in their gym uniforms. He had cat in his arms.....

"Mr.Aizawa what's with the cat?"

He sighed sadly, "Alright go on...."

The cat jumped out of his arms as it transformed back into Y/n.

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