Chapter 11: Dueling isn't power, knowledge is

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Harry flicked his wand and wordlessly conjured a pebble that shifted into a chain of stone. However, as soon as it formed, it started to crumble, and within moments was nonexistent. A frustrated growl rumbled in his throat and Professor McGonagall nodded.

"Just as I suspected. Your abilities are on par with the average sixth year student in dual Transfiguration. It was the worse subject of your father in the practice if I recall." The calm tones of the professor calmed the teen greatly.

They had been going over what Harry had learned from the green book James left Sirius for over two hours now, and for over three weeks while Minerva was on duty. However tonight was a Wednesday and it was getting beyond even the Prefect's curfew. As Harry took a deep breath and prepared to try again, Minerva stopped him.

"Harry, its late. I suggest you join me on my rounds and we head towards the Tower. While you do not have class tomorrow, I still must teach." A soft glare derailed any protest. Within moments the duo was out of the classroom that Minerva used for transfiguration and were roaming the halls.

"Professor, what is one thing that you remember about my mom?" Harry asked as they passed a portrait who was arguing with another.

"Her determination to succeed. She wasn't great at transfiguration. While not bad, she was at best an EE student Harry. No, she got her O with hours upon hours of revision and constant asking for help. I remember her knocking on my door much as you did earlier tonight." The transfiguration mistress spotted two students and barked,"Get to bed. Now. And 12 points from Hufflepuff. Six each."

While they roamed the halls, Harry kept asking questions, normally about his parents, though some were about obscure transfiguration concepts. "Why are metals more difficult to transfigure fluidly? And What does that even mean? Dad's journal said that, I was confused."

"A fluid transfiguration is an aspect from dual transfiguration, where you do transfiguration fluidly from the conjured material as it is being conjured. It is a sign of extreme mastery over the art." The explaination slid from her lips fast, showing her excitement over the concept.

Harry grinned, "Not many people can do it can they... Are you one?"

"Mr. Potter I'll have you know, you should never ask a transfiguration mistress her secrets!" The tone was quietly sarcastic, and the soft small smile on her face betrayed her intent.

"Of course Professor. Sorry Professor." The snappy response was paired with a fake salute from the teen. The scene was interrupted by the appearance of Severus Snape at the end of the hallway.

"I heard voices." The potion master locked eyes with Minerva, his wand in his hand.

"Why are you up Severus?" Minerva asked as she gently pressed Harry behind her. Severus' looked pale, and his hands were shaking.

"I must see the headmaster. And Mr. Potter here must go to bed. Goodnight." Snape sneered at the two and swept past them.

"He didn't look okay Professor." Harry said as they continued forward.

"I know Harry, I know."

Harry was woken up by the thump of someone dropping onto his bed. "Ugh Sirius, what are you doing here?"

"It's not Sirius. Get up Harry. Hermione and I need to talk to you about something you slept through at breakfast this morning." Ron's firm voice made Harry to blink out of sleep faster than he would have otherwise. After hearing the dorm door slam shut, Harry swiftly got up, showered and got dressed.

He met his friends in the common room, and his questions were stemmed by the looks on their faces. Hermione was practically vibrating, and her glare could melt stone. Ron however was calm, which was always bad, it meant that he was beyond furious.

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