Chapter 16: Second Levels of Aftermath

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At Azkaban Prison, in the North Sea, a storm raged. Of course, there was nearly always a storm raging around Azkaban Prison. What was different about this storm was that a boat was approaching the prison, with a lone man on it. This man wore a dark cloak, and the rain never touched him. As the boat approached the dock, the man noticed a boat was already moored there. 'That is odd.' Preparing for the unknown, the man readied his wand. He stepped on the dock and started to walk up the steps carved into the rock of Azkaban. Once he got to the door, he froze. The human guards all laid there, dead or dying. One man had enough life in him to say "Run..." before a flash of green slayed him. The man who killed them all walked out of the prison, the prisoners following him and smiled at him as he launched a curse that the man blocked with a shield charm.

"Hello. You must be Nicolas Flamel." With a jab, he launched a curse forward which Nicolas shielded against again, starting a furious duel on Azkaban Island.

Cedric paced the Hospital Wing, unsure where he should sit. Harry, his friend and his advisee laid in a bed that most considered his on one side, while the on the other, one Fleur Delacour lay on a bed. Her skin was slowly losing its rosy tint as she was healed from the horrid burns that forced her transformation. On the far side near the doors, Viktor Krum sat on a bed talking to his fiancé Fredrick in whispers.

He didn't mean to have this conflict of interest, but it seems to be the burden of being a Hufflepuff. Luckily, he swiftly found a solution since both beds were against the back wall. He conjured a small couch between the two and sat down. He wouldn't choose between them.

A large black dog laying on the edge of Harry's bed just gave a breathy chuckle.

Minerva wrote a letter as she sat in her office, a mere three hours after the task. Her charges were all in the castle preparing for classes tomorrow or doing something that the students when they were away from her sight. But the one student that she was ultimately responsible for was laying the hospital wing once again. With a flourish, she signed her name and tapped her wand on the parchment. With a flap, the letter folded itself, and got stamped by a wax seal. She grabbed it before it touched the desk and strode towards the fire place. Tossing in floo powder, she spoke clearly," Lupine Cabin. Passphrase., Happiness is Silver." In a flash of green flames, she was gone.

She strode through the open fireplace, and entered the kitchen to see the resident of the cabin waiting with a cup of tea.

"Hello Minerva." Remus Lupin looked over his own tea cup at his former colleague. As soon as the task ended, he had a suspicion that she would come over. She did after the first task after all. A warming charm to a cup of tea was hardly ever noticeable either. He took a sip as she slid a letter over towards him.

"What is this Minerva?"

"I control any hiring of non-essential studies teachers. Those subjects that are not Transfiguration, Defense, Charms or Potions, I have hiring control over. That is an offer for the History of Magic position, to start immediately. It would have a secondary role as well." Minera spoke crisply.

"You know that I couldn't accept that as I am a werewolf-" Remus tried to deny the position.

"Actually, you resigned before I or Dumbledore could say anything. The fact of the matter is, nothing in the charter of Hogwarts says we cannot employ you, nor does the Board of Governors, or the Ministry of Magic have any say in the matter. You resigned because of your fear." Minerva took a sip as Remus exploded.

"Minerva I resigned because I am a dangerous creature that nearly killed my best friend's son! I resigned because Severus was right that being around children is asking for a disaster! I resigned because-"

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