Chapter 2: Arrival and Storytellers

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Chapter 2

Harry slowly fell into a routine. Every morning he would wake to the sun slowly rising above the horizon, and he would read his book. This would happen until either Ron woke up, or Hermione rushed in to wake him and Ron. Afterward he would mark his place, go eat breakfast with his friends, and then either fly, degnome the garden, or read his book more. Harry swiftly found that while the book only seemed to hold 400 or so pages, in reality it held much more. No matter where he opened the book, the same page as he stopped on would appear. And if he decided to read more about a subject, he could open the book at a random page and the information would be there, as long as he reached that portion of the book in the first place.

Yet as he learned more about his family history, and through that the history of the wizarding world, he noticed that Hermione was snooping around him more. She would try to read over his shoulder, or randomly ask him about what he was reading so intently.

Ron on the other hand, either didn't care, or was too happy to let it go. The whole of the Weasleys were like this. Mrs. Weasley took one look at the book smiled, and asked if he would move to the chair so she could clean the sofa.

This came to a head three days before they were to leave for the World Cup. Harry was sitting in the living room reading on Charles Potter's activities in the First World War in 1917, when Hermione stopped in front of him.

"Hello Harry. I don't suppose you will tell me what you are reading?" Hermione asked.

"Hello Hermione. I don't suppose I will." Harry replied as he turned a page.

"Well if you don't want to tell me, it must not be interesting. I guess I'll just read it for myself then." Hermione said before she reached out for the book.

Harry jerked the book back, memorized his page, and shut it. "Hermione, don't."

"Don't what Harry? Read a book? It's a book Harry. We both know I like books more than you anyway, so let me read it already! I'm not going to harm it." Hermione looked at Harry, her hands on her hips.

"That isn't just a book Hermione." Mr. Weasley said as he stepped into the room and put his hat on the coat rack, and shrugged out of his outer robes. "It's a grimoire."

"Harry's reading a spell book? What does that matter? It only makes me want to read it more." Hermione shrugged.

"Sit down Hermione." Arthur sighed and gestured to the chair across from Harry before setting into the seat against the wall. "What do you know about Grimoires Hermione?"

"They are just spellbooks. They have a lot of magic in them, and are highly covet-" She began before she was cut off.

"Wrong. They aren't just spellbooks. Grimoires are the vaults of magic for a family. They hold the family history, the family spells and the family values. A grimoire exists so that if there is only one left, they can rebuild the family and have the same familiar Identity. "Arthur explained.

"So it's another advantage of being a pureblood wizard? How is that fair?! How is it fair that as a muggleborn I don't get the same amount of information as a non-muggle born?" Harry flinched when that was said. He opened his mouth to say that it was okay, Hermione could read the book if she wanted when Arthur sighed. "Life isn't fair Hermione. That isn't the only reason that you shouldn't read it. There is also the fact that if you attempt it, it could kill you."
"What?" Hermione's eyes widened. "Why would it kill me? Harry, you wouldn't let that happen right?"

"I can't control the book Hermione... I don't know the protections. I do know that the Twins didn't even want to move it let alone try to read it. I also know that the second sentence is basically a challenge to anyone who wanted to try to steal the knowledge inside..." Harry looked at the book on his lap.

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