Chapter 13: Arthur and Umbridge

Start from the beginning

In the Great Hall, as we awaited the welcome speech, Ron was telling us that Harry had been having these.. dreams lately. Nightmares really. We both spent the summer with the Weasleys again, but since he shared a room with Ron, I didn't know about his dreams. But, after the year he had last year, this came as no surprise to me.

"Has he told Dumbledore?" I asked the gang.

"She told him to, yeah," Ron pointed at Hermione.

"I did!" she said officially. "But he won't.."

"Oh. Well I'm sure he will." I tried to put the them at ease. Ginny was really starting to show her feelings for Harry at this point. She was worried about him too.

"Hopefully it's nothing more than that," I said looking at three of them. Harry walked in to join the table.

"Right," Ron look a bit sadder than usual.

Dumbledore prepared to address all houses in the Great Hall. I was standing behind Fred and George at the Gryffindor table, my hand playing with Fred's hair.

"Oi, get a room you two!" shouted Neville from across the table.

"Gladly," I said smartly with a wink.

"Stop before I honk," George said. Fred punched him.

"Be seated everyone!" Dumbledore announced.

I kissed the top of Fred's head before sitting down with my fellow Ravenclaws. He blew me a kiss.

"Attention! Attention. Welcome back everyone- and welcome to our new first years! I hope you all had a fine summer. I take this time introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Dolores Umbridge. Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, sent her. She comes highly recommended.."

"Hell," I said to Luna. "means she's bloody damn awful." My uncle often thought the worst people were actually saints.

"MMHmm.." the dreadful woman interrupted Dumbledore.

"Tol' you!" I said.

She walked past him, and stood by the lectern. "Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me."

I looked around, not one sole was smiling.
"The ministry is interested to see Hogwarts operates, and I hope to bring change. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends," she finished with a hiccup type laugh. Her voice was high-pitched and dreadful.

"Unlikely," Fred and George said to each other in a hushed tone. I heard them though, I always heard them. I dreaded the next day, I had defense first thing in the morning. Joy.

"Good morning class," I heard her say. I was late, I was with Fred of course. So I snuck in the door and took a seat at the front. I did not care in the foggiest.

"Oh, hello Ms....." she turned to look at me with the glare of death.

"Oh, Fudge.." I hesitantly said.

"Oh, you're Cornelius's niece. Interesting," she said with her soulless eyes, and dodgy smile.
I didn't answer and took my seat next to Luna in the front.

The daft cow went back to talking. I started to blow a huge bubble from the Boulder Gum Fred gave me. 'Boulder Gum, guaranteed to let you blow a bubble the size of a Boulder,' he told me when he gave it. I recited that speech to Luna, who was captivated by the size of the bubble I was blowing. I was l leaning back in my chair and the bubble was going straight up.

"MMhmm!" I heard the ol cow say. "Ms. Fudge?"

"Mmm..?" I mumbled, gum still in my mouth.

"Are you acting like a Chav in my class?"

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