Maybe She's Magic - North

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Victor was right. Whoever we were dealing with had some serious pull within law enforcement. After all of the excitement from the shootout blew over, Nathan and I went over the site with a shit ton of bleach and erased any evidence that either our team or the Toma team ever stepped foot on this construction site. The absolute worst part of that was cleaning up the huge fucking puddle of blood left by Sang. 

How in the world could someone so tiny lose that much blood and still be alive? I asked myself as guilt sat heavy in my stomach. I had been too wrapped up in my own rage to notice that we had been made and Gabe and Silas almost got dead because of it. A little scrap of a girl had to protect my team because I failed to do it myself. 

After we had finished the clean up op, we called in the local L.E.Os to take care of the six dead bodies scattered around the place. We searched high and low, but we only found six. Plus one of the trucks they pulled up in was gone, so the only logical conclusion is that two had slipped through our fingers. Meaning that they are probably right now reporting this whole damn mess to their higher ups and the heat on this already fucked up situation is about to turn up. We already dragged another team into our mess and hospitalized an innocent woman. How much more fucking heartache would we end up inflicting. 

Nathan and I sat in my jeep a good half mile away to surveil the fall out with the police, but the jokers never showed up. Instead a single black van approached the construction site and a lone older bald dude walked into the building. He was in there for exactly thirty seven minutes and then he walked back out with the exact same nonchalant posture that he had entered with. 

"What the fuck?" Nathan asked and I just grunted in agreement. 

Three minutes after the black van drove away, the entire building site erupted in an enormous explosion that was powerful enough to rock my jeep from this distance. 

"Jesus Christ," Nathan whispered in a sort of horrified awe, but I wasn't as surprised as he was. How else were these fuckers going to hide the evidence of a large firefight like the one that we had last night. That entire building was riddled with bullets, not to mention dead bodies. My guess is that the bald guy rigged it to look like a gas leak explosion that completely destroyed any evidence of what went down last night. Not to mention that Gilbane Construction would most likely get the insurance pay out now. 

"We need to get out of here before someone spots us. Call Mr. Blackbourne and update him," I growled out before putting my jeep in drive and pulling away. 

I was dead tired, but I knew that I wouldn't get a second of sleep without at least half of the Jameson that I left on the kitchen table last night. That is how it has been ever since we came back State Side. I would get up, do whatever meaningless job that Mr. Blackbourne assigned me for that day while watching Luke like an overbearing hawk, let my rage boil inside without any way to vent, then come home to my lonely ass trailer, and drink myself into a stupor so that I could get a few hours of sleep. 

It was myself that I was most disgusted and pissed off at. But there was only so much self-hate that you could inflict on yourself. So I shoved the rest of it off on my bothers. Silas especially. 

Tonight was worse than usual because now I had the image of the small broken woman with her shirt ripped open while she bled out on a cold dirty concrete floor to compete with the ever present vacant look on my brother's face. Not even the booze was enough to chase those thoughts away and after reaching my frustration level with attempting to sleep, I decided to head to the hospital. Sean had texted us that Sang was out of surgery and in recovery, but I needed to see that she was okay with my own eyes. 

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