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Credits to 'Mahiru' on YT for the video!

Your POV

Teru slowly stepped back. "Impossible...Are you naturals? And what's that creepy-looking ball of energy next to you?"

Dimple made a disgusted look and you shrugged. "We don't know, he's haunting us..."

The ground around Teru started to crack and psychic energy surrounded him, "There are a bunch of questions I want to ask you. But I need to establish how the hierarchy works around here." He demanded.

"Could you just ask us the questions? This isn't necessary." You sighed and turned to Mob, "Want to just-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Teru bolted straight towards Shigeo and pushed him back a few feet.

Mob looked at you, not affected by Teru at all. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"What?!" He growled and turned to you. With the same speed, he tried pushing you back with his psychic power.

To no avail, you didn't move. You took his hand off your chest. "Oh I see, you're using lighting. Well, it's not going to work, I'm immune to all elemental psychic attacks."

Teru quickly jumped back so he was far away from you. He started moving around the schoolyard in sporadic patterns.

"You need to teach this kid a lesson!" Dimple ordered, "Show him you aren't people to mess with!"

Teru stopped and he pushed his legs out, holding his knees together. Dimple told you that he was about to attack from how he was standing.

"He's standing like he was just kicked where it hurts. That's the stance of someone who's about to attack?" You cringed.

Teru started throwing rocks at you, but Mob put up a barrier to stop them. Mob shook his head. "I can't. You're not supposed to use psychic powers against other people."

Dimple groaned, "Look who you're talking about!" He complained that Mob wasn't doing anything with his life while Teru was using his to the fullest.

You grabbed dimple and glared at him. "You know, I feel in the mood to exorcise you, you annoying green blob! You should stop talking, mister 'become god' guy!"

You and Dimple argued for a while, but Mob stopped you. "I won't use my psychic powers in a fight. I don't want to live a life where I rely on them, so I'll find another potential in me to nurture."

Teru broke through his barrier and sent him flying backward. He came up to you and sent you crashing into the school building.

You created a barrier around yourself, so you didn't get hurt and got out of the wall. Mob was thrown from the air and straight to you, so you caught him and skidded across the ground.

"Hey, are you okay?" You set him down.

Mob nodded and sat up, rubbing his head. "That hurt..."

"Well I expected it to, you were thrown around a school yard..."

~Time Skip~

"Nothing will stand in my way of beating you two!" Teru sent large chunks of the ground into the air, and he made you and Mob go along too. He went after Mob, about to grab him, but you sent a big rock into him and he crashed into the ground.

You safely landed on the ground. "Listen Hanazawa, I don't want to fight you! Couldn't we just be friends?"

Teru stood up and came running towards you. "Never!!" He hurled a big rock at you.

You put your hand out and touched the rock, then it smashed into pieces with your psychic powers. "As much as I don't like using psychic abilities against people, I would use them in a situation like this. We haven't done anything to you and you're STILL fighting us!"

"You don't get it; I have to show you who's boss here!" Teru came up to you and gripped your shirt. He flung you into the school, bursting through multiple walls.

Mob was sent flying into a wall next to you, but he had no scratches.

"You okay, Shigeo?" You questioned and slowly walked over to him.

He got up and nodded. "Yes, I'm.." He trailed off and his eyes widened. "(Y/N)! Your forehead..."

You raised an eyebrow in confusion and touched your forehead. Wiping off a slimy substance, you brought your hand back down to look at it.

You were bleeding out from your head.

"Oh, it's okay! I don't even feel it-" After you finished your sentence, everything went black. You felt pain surround your body.

"Hey, why do I look like that? I look ridiculous!"

You opened your eyes and looked to where the voice was coming from. It was a memory of you and your brother, complaining about the picture you drew.

Your mother came up to both of you. "Now, now, let's calm down." She put her hand out and you gave her the drawing.

"I drew us! And next time I'll draw Daddy's friends!" You exclaimed.

"You were crying when you came to me, you shouldn't be that happy..." Your brother mumbled.

Your mother pet your head and a concerned look came upon her face, "Why? I think it's a lovely picture!"

You fiddled with your fingers. "Daddy said something mean about me. He only keeps me around for my powers.." You grieved; your eyes became watery.

"Oh honey, that's not true. He loves you both! You are so much more than your powers. Look at the great picture you made! You're great at drawing and many other things. You just need time, dear."

"Time..." Your voice echoed through the empty, black room around you.

"Aww man! I can't get it!" Another memory appeared. You were sitting on a couch and clenched your game controller in your hands. The TV in front of your younger self read a big 'game over'.

"Miss (Y/N)? Is everything alright?" A shadow came over you and you looked up to see your friend. He held an umbrella in one hand.

You sighed. "I've done this level so many times I've memorized the dialogue!" You threw your controller on the couch.

"Well...Want me to try?" He sat down next to you and took the controller. You nodded, was handed his umbrella, and watched him play.

After a few minutes, he won the level and you swapped items.

"But how?!" You huffed.

"I-I don't know, but I've been playing video games since I was your age...." He rubbed the back of his neck, "I guess all that time and practice paid off.."

You put a controller in front of him. "This game has a Co-op option, and I'm still not getting the hang of it alone. Want to play with me?"

Your friend smiled and he took the controller.

"Guess we all need time..." You closed your eyes.

Taking a sharp inhale, you opened your eyes and looked around you. Around you were the remains of the school and the recent memories of the fight went through your mind. "Mob!" You grunted and stood up.

Both boys were nowhere to be found, but you felt psychic energy coming from a part of the school. You bolted over there and made it to a room.

Mob was being pinned against the wall as Teru gripped and choked his neck.

A New Slate | Mob x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now