Idiots Only Event

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"Shige! Get up, you're going to be late!"

I heard my mother's voice and I sat up in bed, stretching my arms up. I yawned and heard another voice.

"Good morning! Lovely day, isn't it?" A spirit waved at me. He was green with red circles on his cheeks.

I grabbed the top of him and smacked him on the ground. After a few smacks, I let him go and he sighed. "You startled me! What was that for?"

"I wanted to make sure I wasn't dreaming." I pointed at him.

He waved his arms around, "When you think that you're supposed to pinch your cheek, not slam me around!"

The spirit told me he was Dimple, the religious leader (Y/N) and I fought the day before. He explained that he wanted to become a god, the reason why he made his LOL religion. Dimple offered for me to become a god with him, but I declined and put my hand out to exorcise him.

"Have some compassion, will you?! I don't want to leave just yet, please! I won't do anything bad, promise!" Dimple shuddered.

I took my hand away and stood up. "Alright, I'll discuss it with my master. Just don't do anything weird." I stated and started getting dressed for the day.

When I was done, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw (Y/N) texted me.

-Hey Shigeo! Good morning! :)

I smiled and texted back.

-Good morning, (Y/N). How are you?

"That's what you're going to say to a girl?" Dimple hovered over my shoulder, reading our texts.

I looked between Dimple and my phone, "What do you mean? I'm trying to be nice.."

He shook his head and floated around me. "When you talk to a girl you have to be confident! Call her beautiful or something!"

"What-what?! I-I don't know if she would like that.." I blushed.

"Of course she would, girls always like compliments!" Dimple sighed.

I got completely ready and headed out the door with Dimple by my side.

"Hey Mob!" (Y/N) was standing in front of my house, a small smile on her face.

"Oh, hi (Y/N)-" I was interrupted in my sentence.

Dimple came up to (Y/N), smiling at her. "Hey! What's up. (Y/N)? Haven't seen you in a while!"

She stared at Dimple for a moment, then slowly grabbed the top of his head. She whipped him around, "You're that spirit from yesterday! Why are you here? Are you bothering Shigeo?!"

Dimple quickly shook his head. "No, I'm not! Stop swinging me around!"

I came up to (Y/N). "He hasn't bothered me and promised not to try anything."

"Alright, fine.." She sighed and let him go, "But if you do anything wrong I won't hesitate to get rid of you." She glared.

(Y/N) began walking and Dimple floated next to her.

"Um, (Y/N)?" I gulped and she turned to me.

"What is it? Is something wrong?" She titled her head.

I shook my head and rubbed the back of my neck. "N-no, I just wanted to tell you..." I looked at her, "You look nice today..."

(Y/N) softly smiled. "Thank you, Mob! I think you look nice today too! Now come on, we're going to be late." She turned around and started walking again.

A New Slate | Mob x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now