An Invitation to a Meeting (Pt.2)

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Thought I would add Mob Psycho as vines! Credits to 'Yerpy' on YT!

You felt multiple waves of psychic power wash over you. The leader was trying to get you to smile with his power, but you were too angry to let any of it through.

"Why aren't you two laughing?!" Mr. Dimple took his hands away from your face and clenched his teeth.

"Because we don't feel like it, you trashy excuse for a leader!" You spit in his face out of anger and turned away.

He slowly wiped the spit off his cheek and glared at you, "So you're telling me my powers don't work on neither of you??"

The people holding you set you down and backed away. You dusted off your skirt and crossed your arms.

Mob was let go as well. "Your powers can't make me laugh, it's not like I'm fighting it. I just can't, okay? Even if..." He lowered his head, "I really wanted to.."

You frowned and rubbed his back. "Hey, don't say that. I'm sure you-"

"You must not have any emotions, brat. With a personality such as yours, you won't be able to laugh with the girl you like. Emotions are usually physicalized in some way, but you're not able to do that, are you? You'll be alone. Forever." Mr. Dimple interrupted you.


I stood there, listening as the leader degraded me about my emotions.


"That's not true and you know it!"

My eyes widened and I looked at (Y/N), who was defending me.

"Mob may not show much emotion, but that doesn't mean he'll never find love, or a friend, because he's got me! And a few other people in his life that care for him. Just because you're angry gives you no right to beat down on him!"

"(Y/N)..." I mumbled as I watched her.

She turned to me and smiled. "Don't listen to this creepy man, you do have people who care for you. I'm right here and can tell you that I don't care you show no feelings, a real friend would accept that."


"Come one with that mushy stuff, she doesn't actually care for you. I can't believe you can't see it, but she hates the fact that you're an emotionless brat." The leader shook his head at me.


"I'll give you two one last chance, now laugh!" He raised his arms.

(Y/N) stepped forward and rolled up her sleeve, "I'll give you something to laugh about, how high the hospital bill will cost when I beat the-"

I grabbed her hand to stop her. "Why don't you make me laugh with your psychic powers? Thank goodness you're not even a person. I'm glad that the person who said something so horrible as get a clue, was an evil spirit." I pulled (Y/N) next to me.

Suddenly, the spirit came out of the human's body and all his followers toppled on us.


He hurt my friends


He manipulated all these people


He hurt (Y/N) and got her into this mess.

My psychic power exploded across the room and I stood up. I made sure all the people were out o the way, and I sensed (Y/N) at the other side of the room. "If the policy of your religion is to kill outsiders, come at me with all you got. You might find that task a hell of a lot easier than making me laugh."

The spirit laughed and charged towards me. I put up a barrier around me and blasted him, making him jump back. He realized I destroyed parts of his body, so he tried to use more of his power. "You may be the real thing, brat, but it's time for you to die!" He charged at me again.

"Again? This time I'll blow your whole body apart." I raised my hand towards him, but he moved right past me. My eyes widened and I turned around, "(Y/N)!" I yelled.

Before I knew it, the spirit was right in front of her. Dust kicked up around the two.

"Making Shigeo this mad means you did something unforgivable!" The dust cleared and (Y/N) had her foot on his forehead, holding him back. "I care for Mob and I hated watching you make him angry. He's a great guy and doesn't need you to beat down on him. You're the one who should get a clue!" She kicked his head, sending him flying to the other side of the room.

The spirit landed on the stage and broke it in half. He jumped up and created a blade on his arm.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw (Y/N).

"(Y/N), you shouldn't be here, you should leave-"

"Leave? Why would I do that? I'm here to help you!" She put her hand out and made a spear out of her psychic energy. She harshly threw the spear at the spirit, completely exorcising it.

I watched her as she did it, wow, guess she is a powerful Esper...I felt my cheeks heat up and my power decrease.

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