18- An Unpleasant Surprise

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You applied a thin layer on his cheek showing him how to apply it

You then handed Spinner some cream with keratin for his scales.

"Hey [y/n] who was the guy you were hanging out with 2 days ago at a breakfast diner?" Toga asked

Dabi clenched his fists, remembering the incident Toga had told you guys

"Um.. I don't remember eating at a breakfast diner.." you trailed off, trying to remember what you've done this week. The stress of trying to work on these medicines had made you tired and forgetful

"Are you sure it was me?" you asked cocking your head to the side

"Of course! You were even wearing the same clothes from the prior night" she mentioned

"Ohhh, that's an old acquaintance. His name is Kai" You said

"So you guys aren't even friends?" Twice asked

You shook your head "Not really, he kinda disappeared on me back when we were little,"

Dabi slowly relaxed his hands, feeling himself being able to breathe again.

So you guys weren't anything special after all. He was worried over nothing

"But yeah he just wanted to talk. Catch up I guess" you smiled trying to not reveal any more information

"Kai..." Tomura muttered

"Wait isn't that-" Toga was cut off by Tomura

"We need to go, still have some unfinished business to get to" Tomura quickly said, taking the rest of the league with him

Leaving you and Dabi alone at the bar

Shrugging off the weird conversation, you reached into the box grabbing the remaining 2 products. You walked over to Dabi and handed it to them

"What are these?" Dabi asked grabbing a round small lotion and an ointment

"The weather is getting colder, you'll need a good moisturizer" you smiled

"And this one is an ointment for your scars," you said

"I've been experimenting with hyaluronic acid, glycerol as well as essential oils and other organic molecules so they don't have a harsh reaction with your skin"

"I'm hoping this one works well, if not I'll look more into other ways and methods to create products that'll work best for you" you said

Dabi looked at you amazed, he didn't have a single clue what you were saying. But what he did know was you had made these creams just for him. You without him realizing had studied his skin, and paid careful attention to create something that would help him

No one had done anything like this for him before

Instead of looking away in disgust, you decided to help him?

God you were making him go insane more by the minute, his mind couldn't keep up with his heart

He looked down at the treatments you had given him and as you were about to walk away he grabbed your wrist

"Show me" he stated

"What?" You asked confused by him

"You showed Tomura how to apply his cream," he said

"Show me how to apply mines" He mumbled looking down at his hands

Amused by his question you decided to go along with it

"Alright" you smiled

You grabbed the ointment from his hand and squeezed out a bit on your fingertips. And reached over to his face,

Pressing your thumb softly under his eyes. Feeling his rough skin under your fingertips. You ran your fingers down his jawline being careful with every staple

At your touch, Dabi froze. His breath hitched, feeling his body get all warm and tingly.

"N-nevermind I got it" his words tumbling from his lips

You held onto his face making him look at you, fixing your eyes into his blue orbs you spoke softly

"Be still, I'll be gentle"

"[Y/n]," he grumbled

His whole body was quivering at your soft touch, your small hand resting so tenderly against the curve of his face. Without being aware of it, he started nuzzling his cheek into your palm wanting more of your soft touch

You then leaned in and blew softly onto his skin. Slowly starting from his under eyes  to his cheeks down his face stopping at his lips

Dabi felt his skin freshen after the cool breeze of your breath escaped your lips into his skin

He could almost taste your minty breath

"Ha.." he panted, his lips inches from yours, feeling himself lean in

Feeling your heartbeat race, you closed your eyes unsure of what to do

"Dabi.." you began your voice still gentle

"Hmm," Dabi hummed closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against yours. Your noses touching, lips less than a millimeter away

You were both falling hopelessly in love for each other

Until suddenly a loud ruckus snapped you both out of your trance

"What's that?" You hushed looking around trying to figure out what was causing the noise

Suddenly the whole room went dark and you felt yourself be tugged away from Dabi's grasp and into someone else's

Why does this always happen to me?

Frantically trying to reach for your knife you felt the pair of hands restrain you from behind

Wait this feels familiar

"[y/n]!" You heard Dabi cry out to you

"Dabi help m-" Your mouth was then covered by a hand

"Doll talk to me!" You heard him yelled

Before being taken away you manage to see Dabi's blue flames flicker from his hands as he shouted out your name

And like that you passed out

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧' |𝐝𝐚𝐛𝐢.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz