𝟏𝟑- 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞

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After you and the league escape through the warp gate you took care of their injuries

It wasn't anything serious, you had given Dabi some acetaminophen for body pain, and provided Kurogiri with some electrolytes to help replenish his body's strength.

Nothing major happened the following week, the league was planning their next move carefully

A week later, and you were sorting out several different ointments and antiseptics at the pharmacy

I should find some medications for the league, Tomura could really use a hydrating cream, and maybe I can try to find something for Dabi's scars. Not to mention I need to do something for Spinner's scales..

Letting your thoughts run sometimes made you unaware of your surroundings. You didn't realize that the number 6 pro hero Mirko was waiting for you to attend her

"[y/n] SNAP OUT OF IT" Your coworker yelled at you

"Hm?" you looked up, not realizing your coworker snapping their fingers in front of you

You nervously laugh "my bad, I'll take care of her now"

"Sorry about that Hero Mirko, how can I help you today?" you asked with a smile

"You're always daydreaming aren't ya? What got a boy on your mind?" the bunny hero grin teased

Your eyes grew wide and you crossed your hands

"N-no way! I have too much going on to even be thinking about a guy" you said rather loudly

This made the number 3 hero laugh, "Don't be a wuss [y/n] If there's a guy you like, go ahead and be ballsy and ask him out! You're smart, young, beautiful. And if they say no I'll take you out on a date" Mirko winked

You laughed as well "That date sounds promising, I'll hold you on to that" 


Working again the next day, this time Dabi walked in

You greeted him with a puzzled look "hey aren't you suppose to you know.. not be showing your face around?" You asked

He walked over to you and shrugged his shoulders "I wanted to see you"

You looked at him a little baffle

"But you see me when I go give Toga lessons" you said while organizing some pills

"Let me rephrase that, I wanted to see only you" he smiled rather cheekily

You then dropped the pill bottles you were carrying upon hearing him

A smug look appeared on Dabi's face, he enjoy seeing you get flustered and nervous every time he tease you

"Well we could hang out if you want.." you trailed off trying not to sound too eager. Truth was you actually did enjoy spending time with the raven-haired male. You always felt comfortable around him and he always manage to distract you from your constant worries

"How about now?" He ask looking around to see if anyone else was inside

"But I'm working" you responded

"So?" He asked

Is he serious

You thought about it for a second "I'll skip class just for today and we can hangout after I'm done with my shift " you answered

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