Chapter Thirty-Eight

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As I walk into the Christmas party, I scan the room for Sky. It doesn't look like he's arrived yet, so I have a few minutes to pull myself together.

"Stop doubting yourself," Mariah tells me. "It'll be fine. Besides, you already know that he loves you, so what's the worst that could happen?"

"Oh, there are a lot of bad things that can happen," I counter. "He could just not want to talk to me because I've been ignoring him. He could be mad that I just left him standing there when he told me he loved me. What if he doesn't love me, and he just said that? What if-"

"Jack, none of that is going to happen," she interrupts. "Stop freaking out, you'll be just fine. And you look great." She gestures to the outfit she helped me put together. She let me borrow a pair of heels to pair with a black dress I bought a few weeks ago.

"Thanks to you," I add, smiling. "I just hope the night turns out like I want it to."

"It will, don't worry." Mariah gives me an encouraging smile. We talk a little bit longer before her gaze falls on Sky. She smiles more, giving my arm a small squeeze as I follow her gaze. "You got this," she cheers softly, pushing me toward Sky.

I stumble a little as she pushes me, causing me to trip over my own feet and fall into Sky. He catches me, a surprised expression on his face.
"Are you okay?" He asks, smiling slightly as he lets go of me. "You just got your cast off, we wouldn't want you to break something again."

I breathe a soft, nervous laugh. "Right." An awkward silence settles over us for a few moments as we stand there.

Sky's the first to break the silence. "Look, Jack. If I made you upset, I understand. And I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you in that situation."

I shake my head. "No, it's not your fault."

"It kind of is, though," he argues. "I mean, I was the one who said-"

"Sky, stop," I cut him off. "Um, actually I came over here to talk to you about something."


"Yeah." I nod, taking a deep breath. "First, I want to apologize for not talking to you. It was an immature thing to do, and I'm sorry for making things so awkward. " Sky starts to say something, but I cut him off again. "I'm not done. I've been doing some self-reflecting and taking the time to figure out how I feel and all that stuff."

Sky shakes his head. "Jack, you don't have to-"

"I love you," I interrupt, the words coming out of my mouth quickly.

Sky smiles slowly. "Y-you do?" His voice comes out as a whisper.

I nod, mirroring his smile. "I'm in love with you, Skyler Flaherty." When he wraps his arms around me tightly, my smile grows.

"Well, that's good," he says quietly. "Because I love you, too, Jack Kelly." He pulls back from the hug to look at me, smiling brightly.

I raise an eyebrow at him with a grin. "Well? Are you going to kiss me or not?"

He laughs softly. "Since you asked so nicely," he trails off, leaning in and bringing his lips to mine. Fireworks go off in my head as I close my eyes, and the room around us just disappears. We're the only two in the room, and nothing else matters except for Sky's lips on mine. Eventually, Sky breaks the kiss, since we both have to breathe.

I gently lean my forehead against him, smiling happily. "I think that was our best one yet," I mumble.

"Third time's the charm, right?" Sky replies, grinning widely. "I love you." My heart flutters as he speaks those three words.

"I love you, too." My smile grows. I'm pretty sure everyone is staring at us at this point, but I don't care. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else with anyone else. "So, Sky, would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" I ask.

"No, I wanted to ask you that," he whines, pouting like a child. "I practiced it so much."

I laugh. "Okay. Ask me, then."

"Well, you kind of ruined the moment, but okay." He takes a deep breath. "Jack Kelly, I believe in love at first sight, because I have loved you from the moment I met you. When I walked over to introduce myself to you, I had no idea that I would fall head-over-heels in love with you."

"It sounds like you're proposing. Are you proposing, Sky?" I ask, laughing softly.

"You messed me up!" He complains. "I'll just give you my speech later. So, would you, Jack Kelly, do me the incredible honor of being my girlfriend?" He sighs. "You stole my line, now it just sounds like I'm copying you."

I laugh. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Sky." I peck his lips.

He smiles brightly, any trace of his annoyance at his speech being interrupted is gone. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to ask you that. Now," he pauses, "Would you like to dance with me?"

"Sky, I love you, but you should know by now that I don't dance in public. Except for on stage," I add before he can say anything. He keeps trying to get me to dance with him for the rest of the evening, but I don't. He finally gives up and we enjoy spending the evening with the cast, celebrating Christmas.

yay :))
thanks for reading!!

Double Dare // Sky FlahertyWhere stories live. Discover now