Chapter Thirty-Six

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That night, I get little to no sleep. I can't stop thinking about two things that Sky said to me. First, is River actually cheating? Sky had a point about River acting weird. He's been avoiding my calls for months. As I think about the evidence Sky brought to me, I suddenly remember something that happened on at least two of the phone calls I've had with River: once when I called to tell him about getting the role in Mean Girls and once when I called to tell him I was in the hospital. Both times, I heard a voice in the background. I can't remember if it's the same voice, but both voices sounded female. Is River cheating on me?

The second thing that keeps echoing through my head is that Sky loves me. Just the thought causes me to smile involuntarily. Sky loves me. The thought doesn't get old and I don't think it ever will. But the question I keep asking myself is, do I love Sky?

In the morning, I've made up my mind to ask River to tell me the truth. If he's cheating on me, then I'll break up with him. If he isn't, I still haven't figured out what to do then. The first thing I do in the morning is text River.

River Davidson

<< Hey, we need to talk. >>

<< Dinner at 6? >>

<< Can we not talk sooner?
You don't have anything
to do today. >>

<< I found out I can do
some work remotely, so
that's what I'm doing
this morning/afternoon. >>

<< Fine >>

With a heavy sigh, I get up, get dressed, and head downstairs for breakfast. As I go through the day, I'm determined to avoid Sky. I want to stay away from any awkward encounters.

~ * ~ * ~

Avoiding Sky proves to be successful, and I make it through the day without talking to him. Around four o'clock, I get tired of waiting. Instead of going to dinner, I decide to stop by River's hotel room. When I knock on the door, he takes a few moments to answer.

He opens the door, looking a little annoyed. "It's not six o'clock yet, is it?"

I shake my head. "It's not, but I need to talk to you about something." He opens his mouth to reply, but I cut him off. "It's important, River. Can I come in?"

He sighs heavily. "Jack, I'm working. What could possibly be so important that it can't wait two hours?"

"You're cheating on me," I say bluntly, catching him off guard. "Aren't you?"

He seems to be at a loss for words for a few minutes before pulling me inside and closing the door. "What are you talking about?"

"River, it's not that hard to see. I just need you to answer my question. Are you cheating on me?"

He's quiet again, trying to find words to say. Suddenly, a look of realization comes across his eyes. "Does Sky have something to do with this?"

I try to keep from getting angry. "River. Just answer the question."

"Jack, this is crazy! You know I love you," he says, but his voice lacks conviction.

"Yes or no?" I ask again, looking him in the eyes.

After a moment, he sighs, breaking the eye contact. He nods slowly. "Yes. But Jack, I-"

I cut him off. "I can't believe you. I can't believe you!" I repeat. "You get on my case for kissing Sky, like, twice. But while I'm halfway across the country, you're doing the exact same thing you got upset with me for! I-I mean, at least with Sky, it was just a kiss. I have no clue what you did with...with-"

"Jennifer," he answers. "Look, Jacquline, it meant nothing to me. Please, give me another chance."

I shake my head. "I did that months ago."

"Please, Jack."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't break up with you." I cross my arms, barely able to keep the tears welling up in my eyes from spilling over.

"Because I love you!" He says desperately.

Shaking my head again, I open the door. "It's not good enough. You don't mean it."

"But Jack-"

I turn to face him. "We're done, for good this time. Goodbye, River." Before he can say anything else, I leave, headed back to the theatre.

As I walk, the tears finally begin to fall. Luckily, I'm able to stop before I reach the theatre. I just hope my eyes aren't red. I open the stage door, making my way through the bustle of cast and crew members getting ready for the show.

Unfortunately for me, Sky stops me. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks, concerned.

"I'm sorry. You were right. You were right the whole time," I answer. Before I break down again, I quickly walk away.

hey Hunter, I'm done with River now. you can have him

also thanks everyone for reading!!

Double Dare // Sky FlahertyWhere stories live. Discover now