Chapter Thirty-Three

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Jack's POV
Just as he promised, Sky is in the same chair when I wake up, now with a coffee in hand. He looks up when I move. "Hey, you're awake."

"Hi," I reply. "Um, I think I'm going to call River now, if you don't mind."

Taking the hint, Sky stands up. "I'll go grab something to eat. Text me if you want anything." I nod, watching him leave.

Once he's gone, I pick up my phone and call my boyfriend. He doesn't answer on the first try, so I call him again. When he doesn't pick up, I send him a text.

River Davidson

<< We need to talk. >>

<< Now's not a great
time. Am I in trouble? >>

<< River, this is
really important. >>

Instead of replying to my text, River calls me. When I pick up, he lets out a sigh. "What's so important? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now. Can it wait?"

I'm taken back by his abruptness. "Oh, it can wait," I reply, my voice full of sarcasm. "Whatever you're doing is obviously more important than me currently being in the hospital."

"Hospital? What happened?" His voice takes on a sense of urgency.

"I was in a car accident, River," I say dryly. "I appreciate your concern, though. How about I call back when it's more convenient for you?"

He sighs again, this time sharply. "Jack, don't be like that. Are you okay?"

I explain everything to him, pausing before continuing after I finish. "They're keeping me in the hospital for a few days just to make sure I'm okay. I was kind of hoping you'd come visit for a day or two."

"I don't know if I can, I've been tied up with work and classes."

"Won't your professors and your boss understand if you're away for a few days? Your girlfriend is in the hospital."

"I know," River says. "But I can't take a few days off. I'm so sorry, but I'll see you in a few months when you're in Florida, though."

Disappointed, I sigh quietly. "Yeah. Okay. I'll see you in four months, then."

"Look, Jack, I'm sorry. But I just can't take time off right now. I really am sorry, Jack. The soonest I could come see you is in about three weeks. Where will you be then?"

"I think we'll be in Cincinnati."

"Okay," River replies. I'll start looking at flights. Will you be performing that week?"

"No, River, because I have a broken leg, remember?" I glance up as Sky comes back in the room. Before I can begin to wrap up the conversation, however, River speaks.

"Hey, I have to go." He pauses and I hear a voice in the background. "I'll see you in three weeks, in Cincinnati. I'm glad you're okay. Bye, babe."

"Bye. Love y-" He hangs up before I can even finish my sentence. Sighing, I put my phone down.

"I got you some fries," Sky tells me, handing me a paper bag. It may seem like my boyfriend doesn't care about me, but at least I have friends like Sky that do.

thanks for reading!
have a great day/night! :)

Double Dare // Sky FlahertyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora