Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Eight Weeks Later

Someone knocks on the open door of my dressing room, and I turn to see Sky. "How's it going, Jack Kelly? You excited?"

As I layer on my makeup, I let out a laugh. "Very. But also nervous. I mean, I know I've been preparing for this for weeks, but I'm still nervous."

"You have every right to be. It's your first time going on for a lead. And, as much as I want Mary Kate to get better, you get to go on for Janis! I'm so proud of you, Jack." Sky grins at me, and I smile back, glancing at him in the mirror.

"Somehow, you know just how to calm my nerves. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to start on my pin curls. And you should start getting ready, too."

"Aw, can't I hang out a little bit longer?" Sky complains.

"Nope," I reply, popping the 'p' sound. "Bye, Sky. Oh, that rhymes."

"A lot of things rhyme with my name, don't go thinking you're creative," Sky calls back as he leaves for the guys' dressing room. Soon after Sky leaves, I'm finally ready and in costume. When the announcement comes that it's five minutes to places, I stand up to go backstage. However, I have to grab the counter in front of me to steady myself as my head suddenly spins. After a few seconds, the bout of dizziness passes, and I write it off to nerves.

I make my way to the stage, where Eric Huffman, who plays Damian, is waiting. "You ready to go on?" He asks with a smile.

I nod. "Let's do this," I say confidently. Eric nods, holding his hand up, and I give him a high five.

"Are you okay? Your hand is cold," he says, grabbing my hand and warming it between his.

I laugh softly. "I'm fine. Thank you." I take my hand from his. "I'll see you in a few minutes." Grinning, Eric gives me a thumbs-up as I jog off to my place.

As the orchestra begins to play, I smile to myself, getting ready to become Janis Sarkisian for the first time on stage.

~ * ~ * ~

During intermission, as I'm finishing changing costumes, I'm overcome by another wave of dizziness. I sit down, closing my eyes and willing the spinning to go away. My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest, but as I take deep breaths, the feeling slowly subsides.

Dani Wade, who plays Cady Heron, appears in the doorway. "Hey, you ready to finish this thing?" She pauses for a second. "Are you okay?" She questions, her voice taking on a softer tone.

"Mhm." I nod, finally opening my eyes. "Yeah. I think I'm just feeling the effects of my nerves from starting the show." I breathe out a laugh.

"That jacket looks great on you," Dani points out with a grin. "Denim suits you. Now come on, we need to get backstage." I stand up out of the chair slowly, just in case I get dizzy again. Once I'm up, I follow Dani to the stage, smiling as if nothing had happened.

thanks for reading!!

Double Dare // Sky FlahertyWhere stories live. Discover now